Deepak Chopra brought out a new book last week, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New You.
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Blogger Meet-Up!
I met Kelly from SHE-POWER! She and MusicMan and Bunny came all the way down to Melbourne from Sydney for a wintry holiday, and we actually got to MEET each other!
Counterclockwise, by Ellen Langer
Could thinking we are younger make us younger physically and mentally?
This question is discussed in Counterclockwise, a new book by Ellen J. Langer. It’s available now on Amazon, here: Counterclockwise
Dr. Ellen Langer is a professor in the Psychology Department at Harvard University. In 1979, she and 4 graduate students undertook a study where a group of male nursing home residents in their late 70s and early 80s were taken on a week-long retreat, where they were asked to live like it was the year 1959, i.e. 20 years earlier.
The results were startling… the men appeared to become younger.
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Sondra Ray – Rebirthing And Physical Immortality
“Sondra’s ideas are mind blowing and life altering for an entire generation” ~ Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love
I’d like to write about Sondra Ray today!
Sondra is a rebirther, trainer, seminar leader and author. She travels extensively throughout the world, training rebirthers and leading personal growth workshops, as well as taking groups to India regularly.
It was through Sondra and her work that I was first introduced to physical immortality, rebirthing and many other healing techniques, and writers such as Louise Hay, Shakti Gawain and Ken Carey, in 1986. All of this brought about huge changes in my life, to put it mildly, for which I am very grateful.
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Wanting To Look Young
photo by antkriz
It doesn’t take an Einstein to see that all around us, people are obsessing over looking young. And those of us who wouldn’t say we were “obsessing” might still look longingly in the mirror now and again.
I thought I’d like to write my thoughts on this—and thank you to Evelyn Lim, who writes about how to attract abundance, for inspiring this post with a comment she left on one of my earlier posts.
I see the desire to look young in two ways, I guess.
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What If? The Movie, A Review
What if? The Movie – Awakening is a must-see, in my opinion. Here’s why…
What if? gently breaks the news that we have unlimited potential. That the way most of us are expressing ourselves in the world today is only a mere shadow of what we are capable of doing and being.
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The Fountain Of Youth Gets An Update!
photo by inocuo
Back in May last year I posted a short story: The Fountain Of Youth. I wrote this in the mid 90s, and I published it pretty much as I wrote it then.
Now I have updated it! By adding an epilogue.
It would make most sense to read the whole story, but if you haven’t got time, it’s basically about a guy called Melvyn who finds a trickle of water he believes makes him immortal. It’s also about both his reactions and the reactions of the people around him.
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5-Year Plan For This Blog

As this is my first post for 2009, I thought it might be a good time to gaze into the misty realms of the future and “see” how things might go for this blog and its topic of living forever. How long can I sustain a topic like this for? Will Let’s Live Forever! live?
Or maybe I should put this more boldly, and announce I have a PLAN for this blog! Um… well, if I have a plan, it could go like this…
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What If? The Movie – Clip 4
It’s now evening on New Year’s Eve, here in Melbourne, and it’s time for me to bring you Clip 4, from What if? The Movie.
This is the last of the 4 promotional clips from this recently released movie I am showcasing. The other 3 are on my posts What If? The Movie, What If? The Movie – Clip 2 and What If? The Movie – Clip 3. I’m very pleased to have been promoting this movie!
In this clip, Virginia Ellen talks about people in the Himalayas who have babies at age 70 and 80, and who are still working at 140. She mentions that they have pure food, and she refers to their lifestyle. Like the other clips from this movie, this one is going outside of what we generally think is possible.
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What If? The Movie – Clip 3
Now this time I’m really having spasms. Clip 3 of a series of 4 clips promoting the new movie What If? The Movie has been released this morning, and in it, Kenneth L. Cavanaugh, a scientist, is talking about arresting the aging process.
I mean, my spasms are due to amazement that this quality movie is talking so openly about something that I’m rather interested in (and is perhaps generally considered a bit “whacky”).
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