Shirley Strachan of Skyhooks singing Ego Is Not A Dirty Word
Ego is not a dirty word
Ego is not a dirty word
Ego is not a dirty word
Don’t you believe what you’ve seen or you’ve heard
This is from the 1975 song Ego Is Not A Dirty Word, by popular Australian band Skyhooks.
I agree… I don’t think “ego” is a dirty word.
The healthy ego
If I did not have an ego I would not be here tonight
If I did not have an ego I might not think that I was right
If you did not have an ego you might not care the way you dressed
If you did not have an ego you’d just be like the rest
I think it takes a strong ego to contribute anything much to the world. When we suggest, or make, improvements to situations, we are saying “I know a better way”. It takes a strong ego to do that.
And we can’t make our unique contribution to the world if we don’t develop our skills and talents, so we can express them.
When we say some group endeavour goes well because there are “no egos”, maybe we really mean the egos are operating well. After all, if there were “no egos” in a band, no-one would be able to play their instruments!
When egos go wrong
To me, people who are “full of ego” or “egotistical” have a well-developed ego, but are not following inner guidance for some reason. They don’t know themselves and are scared, so are acting in ways to bolster themselves.
A person with an under-developed ego is also in pain, if they resist growth. They might think they are doing the right thing if they spend a lot of time supporting other people instead of developing their own talents, but in this case things may never seem to work out until they focus on developing their own unique gifts—and ironically for them, when they do, they become more useful to others.
Both groups look outside themselves for definition, and begin identifying with this definition. Both are putting their ego in charge.
A person who lacks confidence in themselves can be prone to boasting, for example. Or starting wars.
If Jesus had an ego he’d still be alive today
And if Nixon had no ego he might not be in decay
If you did not have an ego you might not care too much who won
If I did not have an ego I might just use a gun
Well… I think the Jesus line is very interesting, and the Nixon one is too convoluted for me. I like the point about the gun.
Being healthy
I really do think that getting in touch with our life purpose is one of the magic key ingredients to being healthy, and satisfied and fulfilled in life. Doing this involves strengthening our ego, if it’s under-developed, or if it’s already good and strong, using it to carry out whatever instructions are coming from the Source via our intuition.
Some people keep their egos in a bottom drawer
A fridge full of Leonard Cohen
Have to get drunk just to walk out the door
Stay drunk to keep on goin’
So if you got an ego
You better keep it in good shape
Exercise it daily
And get it down on tape
I believe that due to the natural expansiveness of life, we lose our vitality and eventually our life if we resist progress, and for many people this involves strengthening their ego. Of course, healthy progress can involve slowing down and learning to just “be”. The key is to be able to tune into our intuition—this will lead us on the right path for us. Then we will come to know ourselves.
The guided ego
Here’s a passage spoken by the Source, in the book Vision
(Ken Carey), that looks back from a possible future to see how things may well have turned out for us by then. I think it’s very relevant to a discussion on ego…
In organic union, in Holy Communion, I blended with each one. Every human spirit knew it’s source in me. Each enjoyed being me as a distinct individual, fulfilling a creative design that no-one else could fulfill with the same artistry or effectiveness.
Each one enjoyed the distinctions of others, much as humans had always enjoyed distinctions; but more so now, for the distinctions became simultaneously less and greater. In form, the distinctions became greater than they had ever been in the Fallen state, but in Spirit, the distinctions dissolved altogether.
One Holy Spirit. One wonderful terrestrial body.
In a twist that is amusing for me, the person who wrote Ego Is Not A Dirty Word—a member of the band—is into physical immortality. Or at least he said he was in an interview in The Age newspaper in the mid-nineties, a clipping of which I have kept for all these years—I’ve no idea whether he still is.
To finish, here’s a video of Skyhooks performing Ego Is Not A Dirty Word, in 1975:
I’d be interested to hear your views on all this. What do you think about the ol’ ego?
So much to read and enjoy here today Robin 🙂
I too agree that ego is not a dirty word 🙂
thanks again for taking the time to share all that you do.
much appreciated…
best wishes always
from Ribbon x
.-= Ribbon´s last blog ..Thank you… =-.
Hi Robin,
I like your positive take on ego. I typically don’t refer to my ego as a positive aspect of myself because when I hear it speaking it seems as though it’s always wanting to protect some status quo that I want to move beyond. Yet in reality it’s simply our personality expressing and it can express as our higher, conscious self.
As you know I love flaunting my bad ass self and I’m a strong proponent of expressed individuality. Hell even the darker side of ego can be good in what it causes us to question in ourselves. I’d much rather interact with the boastful confident person who knows himself or herself well than with the weak indecisive person who can’t even order at a restaurant with out checking to see what others are having.
.-= Tom Volkar / Big Link Rally´s last blog ..First Be Authentic In Three Key Ways =-.
I guess what you call ego is the sense of self in this world. It’s not the true consciousness that comes from our higher self, it’s tied to our thoughts of who we think we are. Well, nothing wrong about that — it surely helps us to survive in this world. Like you say, our ego helps us to make sure we are safe and provided. Our ego can even make contributions to the world.
With Ascension, however, I think our egos start to drop. At least that is what I feel is happening to me. Who is Akemi? What is not Akemi? This world is only a reflection of me.
Interestingly, the more I feel this way (ie, with less ego thinking), the more clearer my message seems to become. What the f* do I care what others think about what I have to say? Let’s just say it.
As opposed to, say, Deepak Chopra in his new book. I’m reading it now, and although it has a lot of good in it, it’s also full of sugar coating, or efforts to be politically correct. For someone as famous as he is, it must be hard to shake off his ego, I guess.
.-= Akemi – Yes to Me´s last blog ..Dogma, Anti-Dogma, And Choosing Your Path In Diet And Spirituality =-.
Let’s see, Robin . . . today is Monday (in the U.S.), Tuesday where you are (I think). This must be the day for opening that proverbial can of worms, and you’ve done a super job, so congratulations!
After I read your post I had to research ego again, thinking I’d forgotten what it really is. Here’s what Andrew Cohen has to say:
“There is a profound contrast between the enlightened perspective, which is the absolute, universal, and impersonal view of the Authentic Self, and the unenlightened perspective, which is the relative, separate, and personal view of the narcissistic ego. It is literally the difference between heaven and hell.
When I speak about ego, I am not using the term in the psychological sense, which usually refers to what we could call a self-organizing function in the psyche. In an enlightenment context, the word ego refers to something else altogether. Ego is the deeply ingrained, compulsive need to remain separate and superior at all times, in all places, under all circumstances. In contrast to the inherent freedom of the Self Absolute and the fearless passion of the Authentic Self, ego is experienced as an emotional quagmire of fear and attachment. It is the part of you that has no interest whatsoever in freedom, feels victimized by life, avoids anything that contradicts its self-image, is thoroughly invested in its personal fears and desires, and lives only for itself. Ego is an anti-evolutionary force of powerful inertia in human nature—attached to the past, terrified of change, and seeking only to preserve the status quo.
Ego is the one and only one obstacle to enlightenment. If we want to be free, if we want to be enlightened, we have to pay the price. The great wisdom traditions have always told us that the price is ego death, and in evolutionary enlightenment it is no different: if the Authentic Self is going to act through us as the uninhibited expression of evolution in action, then our attachment to ego must be transcended.” — Andrew Cohen
Actually, your post had me discover Andrew Cohen’s website, which I’ll delve into after I submit my comment; he appears to be an immortalist, so of course I’m intrigued. Meantime I’ll continue to wonder about ego, good or bad? Here’s the link to his site:
Thanks for the wake-up to this subject 🙂
.-= Jeanne´s last blog ..Garden of the Gods: A Journey =-.
Robin, I’m glad you wrote this, as I have been thinking a lot about this word ‘ego’. I think part of the problem is that this word is used in so many different contexts. I think it became a ‘dirty word’ when a lot of Eastern spiritual teachings came to the West, and the word ‘ego’ was used to refer to our limited mind, our conditioned or karmic mind. But in Western psychological teachings, it was a little different, and over time the two concepts got merged together. I once read an essay by a Sanskrit translator who thought ‘ego’ was really a bad choice in many translations of Buddhist and Eastern texts, and that it had led to a lot of confusion in this regard, with people thinking enlightenment was ‘egolessness’. What does that even mean?
But I get what Akemi is saying too, and I do tend to use the ‘ego’ in that context – as the patterns in our mind and being that keep us limited. And that as we go through the spiritual process or ascension process or whatever you want to call it, that our ego lessens. But maybe what it really does is transform, not end. I guess for me that ties into what you posted about ‘the guided ego’. So perhaps what some people call egolessness is very similar to what here is a guided ego. Maybe it is more of a semantics issue…
.-= Lisa (mommymystic)´s last blog ..The Anti-Dogma Dogma, in Parenting and Spirituality =-.
My husband and I have named our Egos, Edgar. We playfully remind each other that “Edgar” is out when one of us is not living from our higher self. It has made getting our of our ego fun.
Love this short post!
.-= Tess The Bold Life´s last blog ..Taking Bold Steps To Live Fully =-.
Interesting song. I do believe that our authentic self is all we need and it is our ego which places distance between our self and our source. I believe that we can do all from spirit/love and still be successful, be even more successful. Spirit is motivated, spirit has purpose and we can survive and live an incredible life without ego.
I understand your thoughts, however I don’t defend the ego.
.-= Mark´s last blog ..You Are Worthy of Ever Lasting Love, Joy and Abundance! =-.
Thanks for this Robin — another way to put this, I think, could be that although we are all part of being, essence or spirit, each of us is also a unique expression of essence — we all have what A.H. Almaas calls a “personal essence” — and we’re each given our own role to play as an individual cell of awareness.
Hi Robin,
I never knew that there was such a song. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us.
The ego sure does get a bad reputation and I think you raised some wonderful points about how the word “Ego” is not a dirty word. Under-developed egos are dangerous as are over developed ones. I guess like with everything else in life there is a middle way.
We are individual expressions that need to be true to who we are and when we respect that right in others, maybe then that is the middle way in terms of ego.
.-= Nadia – Happy Lotus´s last blog ..What Do You Know For Certain? =-.
I enjoyed reading this today and tomorrow your time 🙂
I liked reading the comments too – I am kind of out to lunch about this subject, I need to contemplate some more.
My Zen friends are always bouncing ego around…it is confusing to me
.-= Patricia´s last blog ..Korny Zucchini Pizza =-.
@Ribbon – thanks for this Ribbon – I REALLY appreciate your visits
@Tom – perhaps the key is when you say “when I hear it speaking” – which means you are not identifying with it. Would love to go to a restaurant with you!
@Akemi – love the way you say “let’s just say it” – ha. That’s what I like about Sondra Ray’s books – she tells the whole truth as she sees it. Thanks for the info on Deepak’s book, as mine hasn’t arrived – I’m not surprised by what you say – sigh.
@Jeanne – ha – and I’ve been a bit nervous about it overnight. The ego has been such a broadly studied subject – there are so many different takes on it. I love the way Jan Spiller talks about it, in Astrology for the Soul – I find her take useful. Maybe the pivotal words from Andrew are “attachment to ego must be transcended” – to me, it’s the attachment to, or guidance by, the ego that’s got to go, rather than the ego itself. Someone who has a strong ego, but, as Tom describes, can “hear it speaking”, can bubble along when inspired by the Source doing a lot of good, in my opinion (and be very happy). I’d love to know why you think Andrew is an immortalist – could you drop me a link to that bit?
@Lisa – yeah – the definitions vary. Apart from what I have said, I also think the ego is the part of us that thinks we are separate and wants us to be unhappy – we don’t have to listen to it!
@Tess – as long as Edgar doesn’t rule the roost, he has a function, do you think? (and I thought it was a long post!)
@Mark – It’s all in the definition, perhaps. Where I sit, the ego is how the spirit/love carries out the mission. Would we be writing our blogs if we didn’t have a bit of “I know this” going on? (and for many of us the “I” is firmly rooted in Source)
@Chris – thanks for this description Chris – it make sense to me.
@Nadia – oh well it was 1975 and in Australia – heh. Yes – I think ego is mainly an issue to people on a healing path if their’s is too strong or too weak – everyone else deals with other issues.
@Patricia – ha – have a good lunch! 🙂
OK, Robin, here’s the link —
it’s an interview he did, and I may have jumped to conclusions, maybe it’s the interviewee that has an immortalist take on life; at any rate, I like the interviewee. Andrew appears to be a crusader?
I’m with you, it’s the attachment to ego that messes us up!
.-= Jeanne´s last blog ..Garden of the Gods: A Journey =-.
Hi Robin,
I agree – I feel a healthy ego / ‘little self’ is very important for ongoing………. healthy life – there are many parts to this ‘healthy ego’ and they require frequent consultation at the ’round table of the heart’. I feel ‘unhealthy ego’ is a product of ’survival conditioning’. And i have no judgement of ‘unhealthy’ ego – it’s been doing the best it knew how to do in the belief system of ‘physical death is inevitable’.
To explain this further and where “survival programmed little self” originated, here is a piece i wrote called ‘We are not born with a design fault’ –
Claim your divine warranty NOW!!! The divine has sent out a recall notice – ‘All bodies that choose, go forth WHOLE from NOW until eternity’ – IT”S SAFE TO BE. Eternal health is your DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT!
Physical death has now become a choice.
blessings Janni
.-= Janni Lloyd´s last blog ..Perfectly Imperfect……… and a ‘cracked pot’ story. =-.
@Jeanne – that interview of Peter Ragnar about physical immortality is fantastic! Thanks! Lot’s for me to investigate there…
@Janni – thanks for all this Janni – your contribution is awesome (did I blockquote the right bits?) I love your cracked pot story – I wish the public could comment on your blog.
Hi Robin. I think the ego gets a bad rap too. We tend to sweep all the “bad” or negativity onto it’s shoulders. It’s more of a sounding board… what if… what if… just consider… We are so impressionable that we fall for it… and feed it lots of what ifs. I like to think of it as our “default self” — the place we go when we forget who we really are. (Whatever that is, heh, heh… )
.-= Davina´s last blog ..Changing Seasons in Gentle Stride =-.
I didn’t know that there was such a song. Thanks for letting me know about it. Thumbs up to what you said “I really do think that getting in touch with our life purpose is one of the magic key ingredients to being healthy, and satisfied and fulfilled in life.”
Yes, ego can work in either way. Watching the ego requires a moment-to-moment awareness. The idea is to work well with the ego, not to get rid of it. The ego is essentially for self-preservation. It is our learning tool.
I remember hearing quite a bit about the Id n the Ego in psychology as the two forces of the personality controlling descisions. The Id as the animal, instinctual inclinations, n the Ego as reason, keeping Id in check. (Simpler terms than Jeanne’s example)
You refer to Ego more as a sense of Self, who we think we are, thinking we are important, perhaps even alligned with selfishness, which is often socially deemed negative. Or as you stated above, as holding us back, wanting us to be unhappy. Your article states that Ego makes us who we are.
Our experiences shape our Egos. Ego is learned. The path to immortality, as you have stated many times is often unlearning what’s been drummed into us from birth, the belief we have to die, which dictates many descisions we make in life.
The logical conclusion then, is that Ego must be relearned on the path to immortality as well-
Good song- Dirty word? Sometimes ambiguous, n difficult to figure out, but worthy to explore.
.-= SnaggleTooth´s last blog ..Creative Minds Guess C =-.
Hey Robin, your post must have created quite an impression on me. I was at the park this morning and while sitting alone, recalled what I read in your post. It made me reflect on my own actions as well as observing on others.
Say we think or feel that someone specific is egoistic. We have to also ask which part of ourselves that we are operating from that cause us to think that way. To point out emotionally that someone else is egoistic may mean that we are also operating from ego ourselves. We are judging and labeling. The issue with operating out from the ego is that it brings about suffering.
If the observation is indeed that the other person is operating out of ego, the thing is that we must not allow judgment to cloud us. Instead we hold love for the other person anyway.
Thanks for writing this post and giving me the opportunity to reflect further. More importantly, thanks for being such a wonderful friend 🙂
.-= Evelyn Lim´s last blog ..Abundance Tapestry is Live =-.
@Davina – hi there – that’s a good way to describe the part of our us that wants us to be separate and unhappy. We do know the truth, don’t we?
@SnaggleTooth – hi ST – I think the pivotal part is that we have a choice about how we develop and use the ego – to me it is essential to be able to be proud of ourselves, so we can express the “divine spark” within us (some people have difficulty doing this). I love your points about immortality!
@Evelyn – thanks for both your comments – it must have been lovely visiting the Singapore Gardens again this morning. I think you are making very good points about judgements – they come from the ego, as our egos love to compare – which just leads to separation. I really value your friendship, Evelyn!
To everyone…
I’d just like to make some more points here about how I see the ego… I do think, as I mentioned just above, that for some people who have come into this life with very little self-love, learning to let their individual spark burn brightly, by finding things they can be proud of, is important.
And for some others who have come in with a very strong ego because they have been performers or V.I.P.s etc. in past lives, the contribution they can make can be fantastic – as long as they use the skills they have developed without getting puffed up about it.
Hi Robin,
Egos do get a bad rap, but like everything, if we can learn to keep it in check, we can have a healthy ego. I also find as I’ve aged, I know when my ego is being fed. In the past I didn’t know what was creating those emotions, but now I can claim and name them.
You’ve raised another great discussion here. So thought provoking.
.-= Barbara Swafford´s last blog ..Would You Wait 17,520 Hours? =-.
Hello again 🙂
just a thought…..
I think that ‘ego’ is very important for numerous reasons…
One of them being that it protects you … a mature ego or sense of self prevents you from putting yourself in harms way.
An immature ego can fuel low self esteem.
To deny your ego can create a fertile environment for developing oppression which is a stepping stone for creating negative behaviour.
Great topic Robin 🙂
.-= Ribbon´s last blog ..I live here… =-.
Robin, who’s blog was I on yesterday and left a comment that said I’d just exorcised my ego?” Shoot, so many blogs I cannot remember.
But maybe now I shall invite the good part of my ego back again after reading this, the part that merely wants to be all that it can be to share my unique wedgie songwriting talents?
That song and band is a total hoot, Robin.
And again, you must be in 7th heaven (or pre-heaven) finding all these great contacts on immortality. Good on you, mate!
.-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..One Blogging Buddy Down, 758 To Go =-.
@Barbara – hi Barbara – we do get more familiar with how our ego is operating as we get older, don’t we?
@Ribbon – Hi Ribs – interesting thoughts – thanks.
@Jannie – actually Fannie, my friends are more important to me than finding other people who see things the same as me philosophically. The world deserves your talents – I’m glad I got some feedback from a performer. Rock on, mate!
Hi Robin,
Great subject matter, really if we think about it, is anything a dirty word? The journey down any path chosen or not chosen provides a window of opportunity for the soul, a teachable moment. I believe a strong ego is a prerequisite for self realization, self actualization, self achievement, self knowledge, etc. The concept that we must possess something before we can give it away speaks loudly to a well built ego.
I like to compare it to our sensory systems. When we first enter life our body’s work is to catch up to the mind and we do this through our senses, including our balance and muscle joint systems, (part of the sensory system). As we move into higher states of consciousness this same system that needed to be built, exercised and nurtured must, at the appropriate time, support and take a back seat for growth of the soul. This is how I see the ego, we need a good strong sense of ourselves and who we are to release to the Higher Self, the master, the Super Ego.
I agree that how we define ego is significant. I interpret it as the personality, separate self, distinguishing ourselves from other selves. There is a thin line here because realization of our oneness does not preclude a loss of individualtiy or our expression of the Divine.
.-= Suzen´s last blog ..A Spiritual Perspective on Alice in Wonderland =-.
Really interesting view of ego. I hadn’t thought of it that way.
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..Bobbin’ And Weavin’ =-.
@Suzen – Hi Suzen – I love what you are saying here. I especially like the way you talk about a strong ego being released to the Higher Self – and love “realization of our oneness does not preclude a loss of individualtiy or our expression of the Divine.” Thanks for all this!
@Mama Zen – thanks for visiting, MZ!
Hey Robin, nice post.
Yep definately the whole topic of The Ego has got a bad wrap with everyone and his uncle on witch hunts trying to kill it.
We have it for a reason, its understanding that reason
.-= Jon – Fearless Living´s last blog ..Give Yourself a Slap – How To Live In The Moment =-.
Ego has been negative in my view but your post here enlightened me. In my observation of people, we always go beyond the healthy ego; there are many factors contributing to this and most are unconscious that their ego is getting larger than they can handle.
Still, ego has been the problem with many people. Perhaps this is why I view it negatively: the bad surpasses the good. 🙂
Golly, Robin, I thought you were opening a can of worms with your post, but it turns out that was my ego trying to say leave it alone — now I see you’ve opened a great can of wildflower seeds, and each response is a flower blooming! I have to say I much prefer seeing this ego thing the way Suzen explains it; I’ve never been much of a warrior (altho’ I do admire Xena the Warrior Princess), and I’m much rather embrace the ego as part and parcel of wholeness. As always, Robin — you rock!
PS yes it’s me, just a new picture!
.-= Jeanne´s last blog ..The Joke’s on Me, Folks! =-.
@Jon – hi there Jon and welcome! Your perspective is interesting – thanks for that!
@Walter – hi Walter – yes, I think it’s never a good thing to be coming from our egos – it all depends on how we use it, i think. Thanks for your comment!
@Jeanne – hi again Jeanne – I’m a bit slow to reply here, I just need a break from focusing on physical immortality sometimes (or often). Here’s to wildflowers blooming everywhere!
Ahh, I just had to come back here to see the lead singer lose his dingle ball again.
And so nice what you say about friends.
you rock on too!!
.-= Grannie Fannie Jannie´s last blog ..Mystery Blogger “Over The Top” Meme` =-.
Hey since u hv a blog. Hehe. U might wanna check It’s new & expanding 🙂 connects via Twitter
Thank you for sharing the other take of ego. Very enlightening. We do have to remind ourselves to keep our ego in check.
In this world of opposites, hot and cold, up and down, in and out…
ego is the opposite of our higher selves…
Without ego we would have no existence in a world of opposites.
The ego is our greatest teacher….for without it we would have no appreciation for our opposite higher selves.
The ego is what gives us individuality in ONENESS. Once again you have your opposites.
The key is to know who is the Master and who is the servant 😉
An untamed ego sees itself as a separate entity…separate from the whole…and will lead one around as though on a leash taking on some sort of unreal, non existent power, whereas the tamed ego accepts and knows it is an individual identity (that was created to serve) within the whole….but it is still part of the whole. The one and the many!
I love the ego! For without it…in this world of opposites…would there be me??
.-= Kathy Dobson´s last blog ..Companionship =-.
Robin — As one who has frequently written about “letting go of ego,” I found I really enjoyed this post. You made some excellent points about the importance of ego and how it’s essential to our well being.
I suppose “ego” has become the catch-all for the more needy or selfish parts of ourselves, which would fall, hopefully, in the category of the unhealthy ego. I like your idea of the “guided ego.”
I liked the video of the Skyhooks. I bet they have lots of fun making their videos. I loved the outfits. One question: Do you know what this line “Vale Shirley Strachan 1952 -2000,” which appears at 57 seconds into the video is about? It seemed like a memorial to someone????
The whole idea of a social network for immortals is something I haven’t heard about before. To be honest, it makes me smile to think that this would exist:~)
.-= Sara´s last blog ..The Journey Begins: Part One =-.
Hi Robin – I love the way you’ve turned the Ego round into something positive.
Ego, intuition and stuff is something I’m still struggling to seperate. Figuring out which voice is which can get very confusing.
Even though I’d experienced intuition warning me of something bad a few months ago – when I felt sick etc, I still didn’t recognise it when Josh got knocked down by the bus. About 20 minutes before it happened, I had to lie down, as was feeling sick (same as last time) but I just put it down to side effects of some pills I’d been taking.
.-= Cath Lawson´s last blog ..Those Little Things Folk Don’t Want To Talk About =-.
@Jannie – the one with the scissors is a figure on TV and radio now, here, so it is funny to see him looking so baby-faced. We see him down the street occasionally.
@ozbloggers – all signed up now
@BK – yes we certainly do!
@Kathy – it’d be a bit dull, wouldn’t it? I like the “tamed ego” concept!
@Sara – hi there Sara – glad you liked the post and the video! Very sadly, the singer died in a helicopter accident in 2001, which is what the “vale” note is about. I’m so pleased you were amused by my statement about the social network for immortals – it was meant to be a mildly amusing way of expressing it. There are actually quite a few such networks – facebook groups, yahoo groups and Ning sites come to mind.
@Cath – good to see you Cath! I know what you mean about learning to recognise prompts – all we can do is do exactly what you are doing, which is to observe how things work out when we feel a certain way. We gradually train ourselves that way. Much love to you all x
Ego is definitely not a dirty word. Thank you so much for this post 🙂 I think we must love and accept our ego, but we MUST never think we are our ego. It is a tool, like mind and emotions. We are the space in which ego sits. The fear that ego has is that it will die someday. It knows it’s impermanence. Not even the eventual date, but minor deaths of portions of it. And it fears this. And it tries to convince you that you are one and the same with ego. As long as you don’t buy this line, as long as you let your ego parts come in and go like seasons come and go, or like leaves grow and die, as long as you are the space, then you can have a fantastic time with ego. Defend it not, neither hate it.
i like your posts but have to say that there is no healthy level of “ego”.. maybe our definitions of ego are different.. but ego to me is the face of insecurty and fear…. you say that you need ego to accomplish things.. well i disagree.. i believe that accomplishments made from ego are made from the feeling of fear and inadequacy.. real accomplishments are made for yourself and should be driven from love and passion.. in other words.. accomplishments made form ego are accomp;ishments made from insecurity..
i believe our whole goal as humans should be the goal to kill our ego’s// ego and love can not exist in the same relm.. and is the problem our world faces today..
just my thoughts..
“The foundation of the Buddha’s teachings lies in compassion,
and the reason for practicing the teachings is to wipe out
the persistence of ego, the number-one enemy of compassion.”
~Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama~