photo by tanakawho
Grace from over at Face To The Sun recently made a stunningly beautiful list of things she would miss about life on Earth should she be relocated to Mars (as you do), in her post List of 100 things I’d miss on Mars. You might want to check it out!
To put my own spin on her list, I think it would make a good collection of reasons for loving life.
I love the following quote about why we want to stay on Earth:
You want to stay on Earth because it is the most beautiful spring morning of all your history, and you are in love… in love with the spirit that sings in your heart, in love with the glorious planet that clothes you in her matter.
~ Ken Carey, from The Starseed Transmissions
Our spring morning
What could “the most beautiful spring morning of all your history” mean?
I think it means we feel everything is opening up before us… life is just starting to really work—we wouldn’t want to leave now!
From my perspective, it has been we who have inhabited the Earth down through history—there has only been us, having go after go at trying to make life work. Life has no doubt often been happy, but for much of the time it hasn’t, really. People have thought they had no choice in the circumstances of their lives—the bravest could make some changes, but only to a certain extent.
Now in recent years there has been an unprecedented number of people tuning into something different… a belief that they are powerful and can actually experience joy and satisfaction in their life. That they can have the relationships, health and prosperity that are their birthright, and experience the satisfaction of fulfilling their life purpose.
I mean HUGE numbers.
Kelly from SHE-POWER gave us a look at Louise Hay’s work in her post Heroes of Healing: Louise Hay & the Book that Changed My Life, last week. Louise and others have spread the idea far and wide that we can heal ourselves of ANYTHING, starting back in the 70s and 80s. Then more recently there’s been the popularity of the movie The Secret and all the talk about the Law of Attraction. This new way of thinking is everywhere.
Armed with this new information, who wouldn’t want to stick around?
My partner Frank and I are so happy—we can hardly believe it. We got home from Frank’s gig last night (he does sound mixing) on a high at how well things are going. Our relationship is amazing, we make great connections with people, we have enough money to be comfortable without working unless we want to, and our creative projects are evolving quite nicely (we both have a few health issues… oh well).
We are both in our 50s, and it has taken us till around now to feel this good about our lives—we both have definitely had our struggles. We find ourselves wanting to share the love we feel, and ways of doing that certainly present themselves to us.
These days are definitely the “spring morning” of our existence.
I think it’s not uncommon for people of all ages to feel they are only starting out—that the present time is their “spring morning”. Ask many people in their 80s and they will tell you they don’t feel any different to when they were young, and they are only getting going!
As my northern hemisphere friends are moving towards winter, those of us in the south are heading into spring. Here in Melbourne that means spring rain, and there was lots of it this morning.
So I’d like to add another point to Grace’s list…
101. Lying in bed in the morning cuddling up with my darling, listening to rain on the tin roof.
What do you think? Do you agree with the spring morning thing? And do you have a number 101 for the list?
Related posts: Is The World Getting Better Or Worse? and Reincarnation… A Scenario.
You know what? The first image it came to my mind was one of my favorite movies as a child, Oliver!, when Oliver Twist wakes up at the writer’s home.
I guess that, emotionally, it was then that I learned who I would like to become, that writer.
Miguel de Luiss last blog post..Compete to get things done.
And thanks Robin, you have given me an idea for a series of posts 🙂
Miguel de Luiss last blog post..Compete to get things done.
I love spring I think it is the sweetest specifically it was spring when my husband proposed to me.
healthy family mom – lauras last blog post..
Thanks for the link Robin. I would add two things to this list
101. The physical release, joy and sound of a good belly laugh with a group of friends. I had this experience this long weekend and it’s one of the best ways to experience a moment in time.
102. The feel of my son’s silky cheeks when he comes nuzzling in for a kiss and a cuddle. Smells and feels like nothing else on earth.
But like you, I also love snuggling in bed with my man, warm and secure with the beat of the rain drumming on the roof. Even as a kid I’d lie in bed loving the sound of rain on a tin roof. We had lots of that in New Zealand …LOL!
Kelly 🙂
Kelly@SHE-POWERs last blog post..Quote of the Week: Love Across The Miles
I LOVE the sound of rain on a roof when you are snuggled up. Be it in a tent or a house, it is such an incredibly soothing sound. As for what else I’d miss if I was transported to Mars? Will have a good ponder about this. It might end up as a post.
I think humans are the only species that possesses this awareness – the only species that finds joy in the very act of living.
Sometimes, when I walk, just feeling my body moves gives me an immense sense of pleasure and makes me think “gosh, it feels good to be alive”.
Vered – MomGrinds last blog post..Thanking My September Top Commentators
I’d miss the early morning dew when you are walking around the grass without any shoes on and then seeing your house all quiet and knowing that inside are the most important people in your world and that they are resting and safe.
Hi Robin. I would miss #101 the sound of the wind in the trees, #102 swinging in a hammock and #103 CHOCOLATE 🙂
Davinas last blog post..Creative Luny Landing In The Sand
What a beautiful quote Robin! My 101 would be holding hands with my three year old nephew at the park as we stand in line waiting to buy a raspado (it’s chipped ice with syrup and cream).
Marelisas last blog post..The Hannibal Barca Approach to Achieving Your Goals
I doubt that the place I’m staying in has a roof that is made of tin. But I definitely like the sound of rain pattering against my window panes. It’s so nice to snuggle in. The more I think about it now, the more I feel like heading back to bed…ZZzzz. (It’s 9:30 am here by the way!)
Evelyn Lims last blog post..What Enneagram Profile Type Am I?
I guess my point of view is different…as long as I had the hubby and kids, I’d gladly leave 101 behind to NOT be in pain.
Ritas last blog post..The Exec Jet Set…
@Miguel – hi – I watched the video – it’s certainly very moving! Thanks!
@Laura – hi there – spring is not too bad, is it.
@Kelly – hi – that was a great post. Love your 101 and 102 – I didn’t realise you were from NZ – and we have a tin roof here.
@Urban Panther – hi – looking forward to the (possible) post.
@Vered – a healthy body does feel good, doesn’t it.
@Chris – that’s really beautiful!
@Davina – oh YES!
@Marelisa – thanks – that sounds pretty good!
@Evelyn – I have that effect on people (just kidding). (We do have a tin roof.)
@Rita – I guess what I am suggesting is that there is a new belief around that we can be free of physical and emotional pain (though as individuals we may not all be able to accomplish that yet).
Hi Robin,
Reading your post I couldn’t help noticing how happy and positive you are. Most people I know are full of compliants about the “crap” in their lives.
Shamelle -TheEnhanceLifes last blog post..13 Ideas To Make Boring Jobs Bearable And A Little More Interesting
I think, on a personal level, life on Earth IS the most beautiful spring morning and agree with your definition that “everything is opening up before us”. I don’t want to leave now (or ever). 🙂
On a more global scale, I worry about Earth being sick (environmentally) and hurt (war, economic collapse of the parasites inhibiting the Earth, etc). 🙁
Stacey / Create a Balances last blog post..Spa. Dinner. Drinks. Quiet.
I can finally say that I have arrived at a time that each day is my number 101. I have not always been that way. I was a person that looked back very much and looked forward when I should not have. For me…it is now.
I have loved reading this post and the comments. Life is wonderful and even better when we can all share.
Tammy Warrens last blog post..My shadow moved on
Hi Robin – I do agree that with the popularity of the Secret etc, there’s probably far more people who are aware that we have a great power to influence change. But I doubt whether many of them actually believe it, or put any of it into practise, beyond wanting to win the lottery.
I think the Internet has made it possible for folk with positive beliefs to connect – but I’m guessing that the percentage of those who will make a change is not a lot higher than it was before. Most of the rest will move onto the next fad.
Cath Lawsons last blog post..Be A Business Success Story, No Matter What Your Age
well you know i already want to cuddle up with a blanket during the winter, but my 101 spring would be sitting outside in the sun in perfect weather, reading a book, listening to music and gazing at a clear blue sky.
@Shamelle – thanks Shamelle – it has taken a while for me to get to this place
@Stacey – I know what you mean – perhaps we can only focus on our personal experiences?
@Tammy – Hi there and welcome! That’s great! I still have a way to go on really living in the present.
@Cath – I know what you mean about people liking “The Secret” but not really believing it – I know people like that. Here’s hoping the ideas will spread!
@Natural – sounds loverly (that Autumn weather again)
I love the analogy of life being like a spring morning! The thought of a spring morning brings to my mind the idea that life is blooming, and we are being created anew. And that is a wonderful picture! May you continue to have many spring mornings in your life!
Lances last blog post..Regrets
Upon thinking further about your post, and re-reading it as I often do, I have a question, if I may: You named this particular blog “Why we want to live” for good reason. 22 years ago, my father-in-law filed his taxes, upgraded his gun, left the receipt, took of his glasses and expensive watch, left a lovely note to my husband, went out to the hallway, and blew his brains out.
For 22 years, this is the one HUGE difference that my husband and I have disagreed about, on the rare occasions when it still comes up. He considers his father brave – I consider his father a coward.
Of course, there is more to the story, but I’d like to ask your overall opinion about the situation in general, and suicide in specific.
Would you care to share your thoughts on the subject, please? (And “no” is a fine answer, as it is an answer in itself!)
Thank you,
Hi Robin,
I don’t think the earth is going to last long enough for us to live forever, at least not in human bodies. There are so many signs that we’ve really pushed the earth beyond its limits. Yesterday I read that 3/4 of all animal species will soon be considered endangered.
What I’ve been reading (recently and going back to Ruth Montgomery 40 years ago) suggests that human beings won’t be able to stay incarnated on earth much longer. Already huge numbers have left (that is, died) because of the unusual number of natural disasters we’ve had, which were predicted by psychics in the 1960’s. Supposedly the rest of us will need to do the same, except for those who are able to make the transition to a higher plane without dying.
At least, this is what I’ve read. I can’t figure out what I believe, but I’m not banking on earth lasting forever. I do love it here, even though my beloved dogs are no longer here and I find it hard living without them. On the other hand, the amount of suffering and physical pain in my life is sometimes unbearable. I would say the best thing about life on earth for me so far has been my incredible dogs.
Dots last blog post..Home
Wow – you have some scintillating commenters, Robin! I see that a lot of people are fond of cuddling & snuggling and generally feeling cosy. I suspect that’s because, as you mention, those of us in northern climes are heading for winter. It kind of gets you that way!
I must take friendly issue with Vered though. I suspect that humans are the species *least likely* to find joy in the simple act of living. I suspect that most animals do it all along. You ever seen a cat lying in the sun? I reckon it’s just us humans who are too busy thinking most of them time – readers of this blog excepted of course.
And Dot: I really feel in my heart that you’re wrong here. I feel that we humans will pull together and sort things out. It will take a change in consciousness but it can be done!
As for my 101, I seem to be enjoying responding to comments on somebody else’s blog. I hope that’s OK, Robin. Please don’t send me to Mars…
Simons last blog post..Global Financial Crisis – A Blueprint For Transformation?
Maybe just add a fall evening, the air still warm enough to open a window, but cool enough that you need to pull the blankets up while feeling the comfort and safety of the one you love, snuggled tight beside you.
Mike Fosters last blog post..The Secrets of Flossing
@Lance – that’s a great way of putting it – and thanks – you too!
@Rita – I’m so sorry your family has had this tragedy in its midst.
Regarding suicide – from my perspective, we choose whether we live or die (usually unconsciously) so, to quote Leonard Orr, “all death is suicide”.
According to this thinking, we kill ourselves off, little by little, by not following our intuitive impulses moment by moment, by having old stuck feelings in our bodies, and by harbouring the belief we must die one day. These things together cause the aging process, disease, victim-hood and accidents (i.e. the causes of death) – it has been said that not only is all death suicide, but that aging and illness make suicide socially acceptable! (probably Leonard said that too)
The term “death urge” has been coined for the collection of unconscious thoughts and feelings that send us towards death – and “life urge” for that part of us that wants to live. Leonard Orr and other teachers on the subject make the point that as long as we are alive, our life urge is stronger than our death urge, and by focusing on that fact, we can strengthen our life urge – I would like to think so that it always wins out.
Getting back to your family…
I guess we are all cowardly when we are afraid to feel our feelings, don’t follow our intuition because it’s too much of a challenge, refuse to consider new ideas, prefer to remain a victim, or otherwise turn down opportunities to heal ourselves – in other words, choose death. In my view, we know this deep down, so we often see people who deliberately commit suicide as being cowardly.
Perhaps your father-in-law was acting out an extreme version of humanity’s group attitude. He might have felt brave doing it, perhaps? And he would have had no way of knowing about the new healing ideas around today.
I think suicide (conscious or unconscious) comes from the belief that “death is going to happen anyway, no matter what you do”, combined with feeling separate from the creative source.
@Dot – Hi there – if we humans shift into eternel life, could we perhaps find ways of exploring the universe? Also – could those writings you are referring to (when you say “transition to a higher plane without dying”) be talking about the shift into eternel life that I am talking about? I’m terribly sorry about your illness – I suppose you have seen the Louise Hay book I mentioned in the post. Your dogs must have been wonderful.
@Simon – they are a scintillating bunch, aren’t they! I agree with you about the animals – and maybe we are the only ones who THINK about how we feel! And Simon it’s OK – feel free to chat amongst yourselves!
@Mike – hi there and welcome! – ah-hah – more snuggling – must be fall up there in the north! Cheers!
Could GINGER survive on MARS? I simply wouldn’t go there then. 🙂
PS.WHAT??????? You are 50???? Who is the chick in the photo???
I love listening to your gratitude list…a much better one than mine. 🙂
Harmonys last blog post..FRIDAY FIASCO – MY NON-GRATITUDE LIST
Robin – you know how you say that we sort of kill ourselves off subconsciously because we believe we’re going to get ill and die?
Well I remember talking to this woman quite a few years ago. She worked with a guy who wasn’t very bright. Anyway – the doctors told him he had cancer. But he didn’t understand what cancer was, or that he could die from it. So, he didn’t even think, or worry about it. And it cleared up – it actually went away all by itself. Isn’t that amazing?
Cath Lawsons last blog post..Entrepreneur Interview With Davina Haisell of Crimson Compass
I’m not sure, since it strikes me that you’re talking about living forever in this body, as far as I know (I haven’t read your back pages), and they’re talking about giving up the body.
Dots last blog post..Haiku Friday
After reading all these amazing comments, I am reconsidering the title of my post…maybe it’s gotta be the 200 things I’d miss? 🙂
thanks for the followup. G.
Graces last blog post..The 5 minute shift that saves brain cells
@Harmony – I think she could probably survive in a doggy-pod or something, but she wouldn’t have much fun. You must have been AWOL when I mentioned my age (55) previously – and I shall put on my whinging cap for your list! (when I get time – I’ve got to work on my bloody books).
@Cath – what a great story! You hear stories that are the opposite (like that guy in the freezer that was not turned on) but not like that. Thanks!
@Dot – hi again! My understandinmg of people who have become self-realised, so they can go to another plane without going through the dying process, is that they can also come back to a physical existance if they want, too… i.e. dematerialise (or whatever) and re-materialise at will. (That’s what I was referring to.)
@Grace – my pleasure! Thanks to you for inspiring my post. And you have a nice theme, by the way ;=)
Hey Robin, please do not rush us into winter just yet. Here in Pittsburgh Pa. USA we have this beautiful rush of a season called autumn. It’s crisp and gorgeous and invigorating and it blows my mind every year because it brings me so alive. I like visiting your blog because you always get me thinking deeper in an area I don’t often ponder. Your thoughts often please me in a gentler way.
Note – I see you are also a Sonaya Roman fan. 🙂
Tom Volkar / Delightful Works last blog post..Authoring Your Own Life
I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to respond to your comment about suicide – just as you wanted to take the appropriate time to think and address it, I wanted to do the same with your response.
First, let me thank you for your carefully thought-out words, and to “sticking to your philosophy” while you did so. I knew I could count on you to be true to your ideals.
As to your response:
“…by harbouring the belief we must die one day.”
“I guess we are all cowardly when we are afraid to feel our feelings
to heal ourselves…in other words, choose death”
“Perhaps your father-in-law…would have had no way of knowing about the new healing ideas around today.”
Fascinating. Even I am unaware of the “new healing ideas around today,” so I hope you can forgive me my ignorance. After living for close to 48 years, I was under the obviously incorrect notion that I would die someday. What a fool I’ve been!
To now know that my father-in-law’s cancer could have been remitted by the new ideas around today; that the suffering caused by my RSD can be changed by a new mindset; I feel such humility by your response, that I could never begin to put my gratitude into words!
Thank you, Robin – thank you. You have shown me how ignorantly I have been living my life by operating under the outmoded notion that I may die one day. I have decided to live forever!
Robin, what a marvelous question about Mars! On such an interplanetary trip, some people assume they would have to leave behind on Earth at least some of what they value most. Other people hold the view that since humans have the power to create in their essence, that you could evolve to have everything you need wherever you are. That is, you have no reason to think of lack or to assume you would leave anything indispensible behind. The process of travel enables a person to learn the difference between what is really necessary and what can be left behind or given away. If you have ever lived in more than one place, then you likely know what it means to cull or declutter physical things. It is possible that to remove or eliminate the idea of “lack” from your mind is a step toward a new level of self-awareness.
I want to live because I have a loving wife and cute baby.
love-elys last blog post..Open Letter To All The President
@Tom – thanks Tom – and we have great autumns here, too. I’ve used that ‘Creating Money’ book as my bible for a long time – I should do a post on it.
@Rita – I’m really touched by your response. In my view, these ideas are simply reminding us of something we already know, but have forgotten – that’s how it felt to me when I discovered them, anyway. And I think they make a great context for embarking on the healing adventure – we can feel we have some chance of success if we look at life this way!
@Liara – Hi there and welcome! Wow – what great angles! I quite agree, in every respect – especially the bit about creating our essence wherever we go. Thanks!
@love-ely – hi there – we do all naturally want to stay with our loved ones, don’t we.
That would be really cool. I think I have a few hundred lifetimes before I’m ready for that, though. 🙂
Dots last blog post..Haiku Friday
Hi Robin. This turned into quite an interesting AND inspiring discussion! Ok, I’m off to read your latest…
Davinas last blog post..Thanks, It Means The World To Me
@Dot – aw Dot – you might make it a bit quicker than that! Why not!
@Davina – it has turned out quite interesting, hasn’t it!
My first view of your blog. Amazing concept…and…overwhelming for me. I’ve thought before about the desire to live forever…but the great articulation you have for it….has me subscribing.
Steven Smiths last blog post..Civic Duty, Civic Action
Hi Steven – Hi there and welcome! I’m glad you like the idea – thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment.
I enjoy this article. I’m so fond of spring mornings because I feel so good. Everything seems to be in harmony, drenched moss, the scent of earthy lome, a clean slate, a wet rock that reveals all of her luster. Finding the glory in the simple.
My 101 is nursing my baby and burying my nose in the crown of his head and breathing deep and holding him snug with a quilt my friend made for us. It makes me misty just writing about it.
Thank for your wellspring of sharing!
Shannons last blog post..The Scabbard At My Side
I love this analogy of spring mornings. I think that is my favorite time of year. For me 101 would have something to do with the ocean, walking along the beach early in the morning, that’s my favorite place of all.
@Shannon – thanks Shannon! That was really beautiful.
@Pink Ink – I love walking along the ocean in the morning, too (it gets too hot or windy later).
I love the photo and the quote:
I would miss color, beautiful, bright, amazing, stimulating color that adds to my joy daily. And a lot more…
Tess The Bold Lifes last blog post..Bold Love for February 14th
Hi there Tess – I know what you mean about the colour – and the joy of it. Cheers!