illustration by David Fierstein
I like to work with the idea that we create our reality with our thoughts. This is what makes the most sense to me, and is the way of looking at things that I find most useful.
This post extends my previous one, On Overcoming Obstacles. Perhaps I could call these posts “The Iceberg Series”! A part of this theory is that the mind is analogous to an iceberg… a small part is on the surface and accessible, and most of it is submerged.
Thought is creative
I see thoughts as things. When we think them, they go out and do stuff. According to this theory, every single little thing in our lives is a product of our thoughts. All the beauty and love in our lives? We created it. Those great friendships? We attracted them to ourselves. The nice house, car, clothes, food, computer, holiday, blog, anything… we did that—the thoughts we thunk did it.
And according to this theory, our thoughts have also brought about the unpleasant or difficult things in our lives (I don’t think I really need to list them).
It’s also the case, if we choose to think this way, that we are best off keeping an eye on the things we believe to be truths, because they become self-actualising. Our minds always create the evidence for what we believe to be true (otherwise we would think we are insane).
For example, if we believe there are nutters out there on the internet who will detrimentally affect every blogger at some point, it’s likely we will discover evidence of that. It might be more helpful to choose to believe that all bloggers are marvelous (and trust our commonsense, the same as we do walking down the street).
The submerged mind
If all of this is true, then all we would have to do is think we want something (a good haircut, world peace) and it will be so. As we know, things don’t always exactly work out this way.
The reason, according to the thinking I am outlining, is that ALL our thoughts go out and create results… thoughts both in our conscious mind and in our subconscious/unconscious/submerged mind. By definition, the conscious mind has thoughts we are aware of, and the subconscious mind has thoughts we are not aware of.
Let’s say we need or want something in our lives, and it just won’t come. It could be anything… a feeling, an object, a state. We are thinking about how we want it (if we are extra clever, seeing ourselves as already having it), because we know that our thoughts are powerful. We are also taking whatever actions we can to bring it to us.
But if the thoughts we are aware of are not bringing the results we want, there must be other thoughts, in our subconscious mind, that are contradicting, outnumbering and overpowering them.
I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing… how often have we wanted something and seen down the track that it wasn’t actually the best thing for us? I have, plenty of times. But in this post I’m just covering the scenario that the thing we want to create IS in our best interests, and it isn’t happening. Other scenarios belong in a discussion about intuition, or ego, perhaps.
Becoming conscious
If we go along with this kind of thinking, it’s quite easy, on one level, to get a feel for what is going on in our subconscious mind. Because we can see the effects of thoughts in our conscious and subconscious minds splattered around us in three dimensions in a thing called “our life”. Our physical life is constantly giving us feedback about the state of our thoughts—I’d even suggest this might be one of the reasons we have a physical life.
An example of this “splattering” is the kinds of difficulties we often encounter when we are doing something that is a leap for us. In this case, thoughts deep in our subconscious that we would never have been aware of otherwise suddenly start jumping up and down and go creating all sorts of problems. I see this as part of the healing process—if we didn’t take risks, these thoughts would stay buried, and eventually create illness and aging (had to squeeze it in). Making a leap brings them to the top so they can be cleared out, though it may feel a little uncomfortable for a while!
On another level, I think it’s fair to say that most people find getting to a point where their lives are not run by inhibiting thoughts is not usually super quick or straightforward. There are lots of approaches that can help with this… there are thousands of books, therapies, techniques and workshops out there. A basic approach would be to learn to live in the present and learn to follow intuition, I think. Then the best path to follow will open up.
The impression I got from somewhere is that fully enlightened masters no longer have a subconscious mind—they are aware of all their thoughts and are happily creating what they want. I don’t remember where I picked this up… if anyone knows an enlightened master, could you ask them for me if it’s true, please?
Are we there yet?
Another way of looking at all this is that we are protected from experiencing full creativity until we are no longer thinking less-than-productive thoughts. Would we really want ALL our conscious thoughts to come true?! Anything from thoughts of violence towards someone who has “done us wrong”, to thoughts of how we are not good enough for some thing or other… maybe it’s just as well all our conscious thoughts haven’t been coming true (speaking for myself, anyway!)
I like to think that when more people reach for the light, in any of a myriad of ways, and this becomes commonplace, a shift will occur in our mass consciousness. Then, all of a sudden, healing will become quick and easy. Actually, I think this might be happening now.
This makes a lot of sense, Robin. How aware are we of what our thoughts are? If I focus on my thoughts, I do get much more out of them, and in the process, really get a better understanding for who I am. And this is powerful, especially in the fact that the better I understand myself, the more I can do things that are in alignment with who I am and want to be.
Lances last blog post..Sunday Thought For The Day
You have made me remember a kid in a camp where I was a counsellor. He was from the ugliest part of town, dirtiness, crimes, drug you name it.
He was adorable… as long as he was sleeping, and nothing seemed to work on him.
So my plant was to give some carrot to this kid used to the stick. In a word, I went after him, trying to spot anything he did good to praise him.
I remember one of his first replies. “No, I haven’t done that. I’m not good”.
So, be careful with what you tell people.
Miguel de Luiss last blog post..Una manera sencilla de evitar distracciones.
You explained this really well, Robin. I have believed in mind created reality since I first read it in Louise hay’s “You Can heal Your Life” as a teenager. It just makes perfect sense to me, especially the whole idea of mind created illness.
These days what I find works for me is the simplicity of Abraham-Hicks. Esther Hicks says that the best way to see what we are creating, other than monitoring our thoughts, is to take note of how we feel. If we live our life to reach for the joy, to focus on things that make us feel happy, then we are in spiritual alignment and are open to receiving more joy. The form that takes is likely to be our desires, which are perfectly natural and there for a reason. Desire shows we are alive and participating with the universe.
As for why we don’t get some things we want, I think if we still our mind, look to our feelings and are completely honest, we can feel our internal resistance in these circumstances. Maybe it’s a belief that contradicts with the desire. Maybe it’s not even a belief we can identify, it could just be a feeling of resistance in our body. if you feel any fear or resistance to something you want then you know you are not open to receiving it yet. There’s work to be done to prepare ourselves, and it’s always possible that after the work has been done we may actually have a different desire.
I could talk about this stuff all day. I think the challenge is living it. I have a situation at the moment that I don’t know how to resolve or move forward with. It’s deeply important to me, and I feel compelled to make a decision, any decision!
In my heart, I know that’s just fear talking and I don’t have the answers yet, I must be patient. Knowing that however and living that are two very different things.
It’s also important to note that acting on your thoughts is an important pre-requisite to making your thoughts a reality.
You create a thought and the universe gives you an open door but if you don’t walk through that door, then your thoughts will remain simply as thoughts.
This is what I need to get better at, recognizing the manifestations of my thoughts and actually acting on them.
Chriss last blog post..Bottom Falling Off, Part 5
I fully agree that positive, empowering thoughts are very important for happiness.
I don’t think that thoughts can change reality, though. There’s an objective element to reality that can’t be changed.
But an attitude of “great, let’s make the most out of this” is far better than an attitude of “life sucks, why bother”.
Vereds last blog post..Will You Tell Me A Little Bit About Yourself?
Hi again Robin… you are looking younger everday 🙂
I really agree with what you wrote about our thoughts. After reading the brilliant comments of those who got here before me, I will only add that I follow Esther Hicks and she speaks of the blessing of the buffer of time. I am referring to the latter portion of your post.
It is good that we have to allow some time for our thoughts to become actual things. Without that buffer, we would be killing, sleeping with, hurting, or whatever, way too many people. I believe that we will indeed arrive at a point when there will be a more immediate creating whenever our thought is thunk (I like that word). However, it will not be possible to reach that point in our evolution until/unless our thoughts toward every other living thing have beome harmless and uplifting… everytime we think our thoughts! Peace and thanks — jb
Hi Robin,
I’m glad you’re visiting this topic again. I meant to comment on the Overcoming Obstacles post when you first wrote it but got pulled away. I agree that for the most part we create our own reality. But as Vered suggests, certain limits exist. In particular, phsyical laws create the boundaries for that reality. As much as I would like to fly, I can’t do it without assistance. Likewise, I can’t think away a hurricane.
Beyond that, there’s much to be said for how much our minds control our own reality. The tricky part, and this gets back to your previous post, is how to recognize the ways in which the mind creates those obstacles that limit our realization of reality. Even once you recognize them, how to control them. I think we all have those moments where we just absolutely hit a wall. Even if you know what’s holding you back, finding the way to change it becomes a huge task.
Some people are naturals at this. Others have to work at it. I strive to create the best reality for myself but also known that I’m prone to repeat certain patterns that are tough to break.
Hello Robin, I really like the image that you posted to illustrate a submerged mind. It is so true. How far do we know all the thoughts that go on inside our mind? We may also be seeing the world with most parts of our minds being asleep or unawakened.
I like the comic picture you posted about yourself too!! It is a nice touch! You should do more of these as it adds more character to your blog! It is also a way of us knowing you better!
Evelyn Lims last blog post..25 Ways To Nurture Your Soul
Hi Robin. “…if we didn’t take risks, these thoughts would stay buried, and eventually create illness and aging…. Making a leap brings them to the top so they can be cleared out, though it may feel a little uncomfortable for a while!” Great thought; loved that.
I like hypothesizing about these things because I don’t really have the answer. I have experienced the power of positive thought and vice versa, but how things are manifested in life don’t always appear to match these thoughts.
I also wonder… perhaps ideas and thoughts are magically out there waiting to be picked up by our “antenna” and transmitted in our own unique way. We can’t really own ideas and thoughts. They are free agents that lend themselves to us once in a while.
That could be why sometimes these thoughts we pick up don’t necessarily manifest in life. They aren’t really ours to begin with and it depends on how we absorb and process them for them to become manifest. Just a gut sharing here 🙂
Davinas last blog post..Swinging Full Circle–That’s Life
The concept that my thoughts manifest reality is fundamental to my belief system. This puts an awesome responsibility on myself though to constantly monitor my thoughts. And you are correct, you do need to live in the present, with awareness, and intuition to do this. I am pretty good, but there are those days when those nasty little thoughts sneak out. I try to recall them, but some of them are slippery little buggers *smile*
Urban Panthers last blog post..I am a twit
Hi Robin – Another great pic. I understand this better now I think. Is it like – our subconscious thoughts can over-ride our conscious thoughts. But the more we master our thoughts and think clearly, rather than have silly, meaningless thoughts on impulse, then the closer we come to having our conscious and subconscious thoughts as one?
That would make a lot of sense. Sometimes, we’re angry with someone and wish they’d drop dead. But subconsciously, we’re actually feeling hurt, not anger. And I guess, the more we begin to understand and accept our real feelings – the more likely we are to be in tune with our subsconcious thoughts.
Am I grasping this right?
Great post, also inspired me. If you have time, i invite you to review my thought. You may say i’m a dreamer.
love-elys last blog post..If One Why Different
Hi Robin,
I do believe that thoughts are powerful and that thoughts can manifest into results in the real world. To what extent is hard to prove, which makes it less reliable than hands-on applied approaches to making things happen.
I like to think that our thoughts can help us make things happen, but only in a supporting role to the actual physical efforts. Basically I’m saying I agree, but up to a certain extent.
Al at 7Ps last blog post..The Criminally-Minded Approach for Achieving Goals
I think it was on Evelyn’s blog that I read that our thoughts are about 400 times more powerful than our actions. If we use our minds to visualize what we want first, and then act in accordance with our visualization, it’s much easier to achieve what we want than if we just act without mentally concentrating on what we want. That’s an interesting point about masters no longer having a subconscious mind since everything is on the surface. I agree that you should call this “the iceberg series” 🙂
Marelisas last blog post..25 More Ways to Celebrate Life
@Lance – thanks Lance – it’s interesting that we can “watch” our thoughts and learn from them, isn’t it!
@Miguel de Luis – it’s interesting the way kids will just come out with things – and what a shame he had that self-image, which obviously lead to unfornunate results! We do need to be careful what we tell people! – including ourselves.
@Kelly – thanks Kelly – Louise’s book was one of the first in this field that I read – except I was 33! I love the way you have written about feelings and the body and so on. In this post I decided to just focus on thoughts, to give a picture of how things work, because clarity itself can be useful, I think – but of course working with thought alone won’t be very helpful in the long run (or even the short run) – some people do try to do it. Good luck with everything!
@Chris – hi there – I need to do that too – I have a few ideas I haven’t been acting on.
@Vered – hi – it’s interesting how we can choose to make the most of things, isn’t it!
@Jeff – hi there – I’m not feeling younger hehe – it’s the end of a long, cold winter here! I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on this – thanks (and “thunk” is a family expression I snuck in)
@Bill – hitting a wall in no fun is it. I think a big part of thinking the way I have outlined, should we want to try it, is to be gentle with ourselves, and also get some help (including from writings) in discovering patterns and turning them around. Thanks for your thoughts on this!
@Evelyn – they are great images, aren’t they – and thanks about the little pic. I like your “We may also be seeing the world with most parts of our minds being asleep or unawakened.” – so true.
@Davina – thanks! That’s really interesting about the “floating” thoughts we may pick up – I think about thoughts like that too, as far as ideas and inspiration go, at least. Very interesting!
@Urban Panther – ha ha – they ARE slippery characters! I try to deliberately turn unfortunate thoughts around, but don’t always manage it (and sometimes we need to give our thoughts free reign so we can get in touch with what is bugging us, too, I think)
@Cath – hi and thanks! Actually I don’t think there’s anything wrong with our impulsive thoughts – and we really wouldn’t want to decide they are “wrong”. It’s more that we can use a variety of techniques to become aware of thoughts in our subconscious mind that are holding us back or creating less-than-helpful relationships, or whatever, and then change them or let them go e.g. techniques to improve our self-esteem, or let go of our fear of success. Getting in touch with our real, underlying feeings (as you so beautifully described!) would be an essential part of that process.
@love-ely – hi there and welcome! Thanks for that – and I will be over to your blog soon (I’m slow to visit blogs at the moment)
@Al – we can’t prove these things. can we! I think that’s a really good point you make about our physical efforts and how they are part of the process of having the life we want.
@Marelisa – hi there – I really like your points about visualisation – and thinking about what we want may seem obvious, but isn’t always, really. Thanks for your thoughts on this!
Hi Robin,
I do believe there is a lot of power in our thoughts. For me, the hardest is to stay positive if I haven’t had enough rest. Knowing this, I carefully monitor my thoughts when I’m tired.
Barbara Swaffords last blog post..Removing The Blinders And Growing
Based on my own experience, thinking productive thoughts and experiencing creativity comes with age. As I grow older I am also growing wiser. I’m training my thoughts to welcome creativity instead of telling myself that I’m not creative.
Robin, I also like to think “that when more people reach for the light, in any of a myriad of ways, and this becomes commonplace, a shift will occur in our mass consciousness”. Beautifully stated!
Stacey / CreateaBalances last blog post..Drum Roll for My New Blog Roll!
Hey Robin, hmm, I do believe in the power of positive thinking and controlling our thoughts to get what we want, but as mentioned, we have to act in harmony with our thoughts and even then there are limits.
totally agree: Our physical life is constantly giving us feedback about the state of our thoughts.
NaTuRaLs last blog post..Butt-to-Gutt Ratio Gone Wild
@Barbara – that’s interesting – when I’m tired and grumpy I have to tell myself it will look better in the morning. Thanks for that.
@Stacey – hi there – it’s great growing older isn’t it! I had to do a lot of “training” my thoughts to believe I could be creative, too (I was a “boring science type”).
@Natural – yes – I’d agree that how we act, and also dealing with our feelings, are part of the equation.
Hey Robin,
Really good thoughts to ponder here. I especially liked the part about leaping to learn. I find that in my life the leaps in my writing, in creative thinking for businesses, in painting and even in relationships – do just what you said…they make me uncomfortable, but they also open me up in ways my routine would never have allowed. THANKS FOR THE POST!
PS…have you always had comment luv? I want this on my next blog. Don’t think it works on mine.
Harmonys last blog post..What if we Lost Our Ability to Choose?
@Harmony – hiya and thanks – I didn’t know you did PAINTING! I have had CommentLuv for a while – are you changing Golden Zen over to self-hosted wordpress? That would be great for you – so many more toys to play with (I know you have nothing else to do all day except blogging)
Robin – I am a firm believe in the the power of thoughts. In fact, we are nothing but the reflection of our thoughts. Thoughts are things and things are the cultivation of our highest thoughts. We can overcome worst of our troubles by knowing the power of universe and aligning our thoughts to supercharge our lives.
Shilpans last blog post..Charlie Chaplin’s Guide to Picking Yourself Up When Life Knocks You Down
Hi Shilpan – beautifully put – thankyou!
A feeling is the direct manifestation of a thought, definitely. I do my best to be aware and not loose myself in thought and feel instead (kind of according to the Power of Now). I think that positive thinking alone doesn’t create the desired outcome/reality if the negative energy (feeling) is not felt and released, “Feeling is Healing” comes to mind.
Mayas last blog post..12 Simple Facts I didn’t know
Dear robin, I enjoyed reading this post and think that you are driving on the right highway. Nevertheless the subconscious mind could be some kind of sketchy expression for something that is more detailed. So I am looking forward to your next explorations…. All the best Rainer
rainers last blog post..If… but…
@Maya – Hi and welcome! I agree with you very much – I think there is often too much emphasis on “positive thinking” and controlling thoughts – and this is not really what works. The thought side of things is only part of the healing picture (I’m planning to write something about feelings soon) Thanks!
@rainer – hi Ray – I’m glad you are coming for a drive with me – perhaps you could help with the navigation! I hope your head is feeling better.
“The impression I got from somewhere is that fully enlightened masters no longer have a subconscious mind—they are aware of all their thoughts and are happily creating what they want. I don’t remember where I picked this up… if anyone knows an enlightened master, could you ask them for me if it’s true, please?”
That seems to be a very common impression people have about enlightenment, but it’s not actually the case. The idea of having a “quiet mind” mistakenly gets associated with the idea that they suddenly have no capacity to think, like they’re some sort of magnificent zombie or something.
Enlightenment is simply the recognition of your true nature and a disidentification with all that you are not, including the thoughts. Yes enlightened people have the capacity to think. Yes the minds they have are still functional. The key difference is that they are not identified with thought.
The mind is an integral part of the workings of the physical existence, but it’s not who you are. Upon awakening, there is a sort of “death” of the idea of an individual and separate “me” and a realization of your true nature as the primordial awareness itself, the unmanifest and manifest alike.
Awakening is the most natural thing in the world. It’s not about killing the ego or getting rid of the mind. It’s simply a shift from thinking that there is a “me” to realizing that there is no “me”, only the One and the All.
Ariel – We Are All Ones last blog post..Forcing Presence vs. Allowing Presence
Hi there Ariel and welcome! I certainly agree with you that “Awakening is the most natural thing in the world. It’s not about killing the ego or getting rid of the mind. ” – and the rest of what you said. Too often “spiritual seekers” look to a smiling “zombie” (as you so descriptively put it) for inspiration.
(Ariel – I suspect you mis-read the paragraph of mine that you quoted, as I was suggesting self-realized people may possibly no longer have a “subconscious” mind – meaning all their mind may be conscious – i.e. with the whole iceberg floating above the water. This is very different from not having a mind, or not using it – just the opposite!) Cheers!