photo by alexdecarvalho
Thanks to everyone who contributed to my last post Insects Versus Mother Theresa—everything was said so well that I don’t need to repeat it. What a bunch of stars I had writing my post for me!
One comment, from Davina over at Loving Pulse, said in part:
My answer is also the person who is doing what makes their heart sing. That gives other people permission to do what makes their heart sing. And since we all have a unique voice, we could make beautiful music together.
This has a certain similarity to a passage from The Starseed Transmissions, which I would like to quote, to round things off for now. (This book is channelled by Ken Carey and is authored by the angel Raphael.)
There are seven primary vibrational channels maintained within the overall vibrational body of Planetary Being. Within each of these seven primary channels are seven sub-channels. The conscious execution of your creative responsibilities in the overall design will occur on one or another of these primary channels. The discovery of which level within the Planetary being you have been designed to function on will not come through conceptualization. It will come through inner sensitivity to feelings, vibrations and planetary rhythms.
Once you attune yourself to these rhythms, you will find that the functional duties you are called upon to perform are the very things that you most want to do. No longer bound by fake responsibilities born of fear and addiction to past patterns, you will take up the tools of your trade and delight in the creative implementation of God’s will.
As you work in this new way, each will hear the different notes of his or her functional duty, and be dancing out the fulfillment of that particular obligation. On each of the primary channels, all melodies will have the same rhythm and base note, and each channel will be in harmonic relationship with all the others. All around you all across the planet, joyful melodies will be sounding forth, all perfectly synchronized with each other, all playing together in an exquisitely balanced orchestration, a perfect symphony. This is the Creator’s love song to the planet Earth.
That’s it for this week. Things have been a bit scattered over this way lately—the phone company accidentally cut my mother’s phone off over a week ago and it isn’t back on yet… supposedly it will be back on tomorrow. So bloggin’ has been taking a back seat (and yesterday when I was trying to write this week’s post I was tired and distracted and ended up fiddling with my new theme instead).
I’ll be over to visit everyone’s blogs soon, I promise.
Comments welcome, as always – see you!
Hi Robin ~ Thank you for speaking about your experiences. I’m virtually sending you fluffy white pillows for your head and a purple glimmering candle to guide your distraction into focus.
Stacey / CreateaBalances last blog post..Do What You Love
Sometimes life happens and blogging need to take a back seat.
Chriss last blog post..A Thankless Job
Hmmm…I think I need to do some quiet listening to find my song again. Right after the cacophony of life settles down *smile* Sounds like you are in the same spot. Looking foward to your return!
Urban Panthers last blog post..Go ahead, mock me!
Life has a way of getting in the way of blogging, doesn’t it?
Vered – MomGrinds last blog post..A Weekend In Napa: 3 Days, No Internet, No Problem
Hi Robin. You said “That’s it for this week,” and I felt you saying “This isn’t enough but that’s all I got.” I hope I’m wrong, cause this was powerful. I was happy to read that passage from The Starseed Transmissions. I read that book years ago and enjoyed the “remembering”. Very powerful. Thank you!
PS… Thanks also for the link 🙂
Davinas last blog post..I’m Over The Moon As NBOTW
Hang in there Robin. Do the front seat stuff first – that’s the important stuff. We’ll be here whenever you’re ready to be back…
Lances last blog post..Don’t Ever Give Up
Wow…I haven’t read The Starseed Transmissions but I can imagine a passage like this coming out from Raphael. Our life as an expression to the vibrational chord and rhythm of music is so beautifully articulated in this passage! Thanks for sharing!
Don’t forget to visit my latest blog post! I’d be interested to hear your views about my experience!
Evelyn Lims last blog post..Mind Travel To Ancient Egypt
Ta Da – Mum’s phone is back on, after 9 days.
@Stacey – your pillows and glimmering candle must’ve worked, because the phone is back on! Thanks for your thoughts – I REALLY appreciate them. x
@Chris – yes it does – hope the basement cleaning went OK – I don’t know how you have time to do all the things you do.
@Urban Panther – thanks – finding our song does seem to be an ongoing process, doesn’t it.
@Vered – yes it does – like I said to Chris, I don’t know how you have time for everything – you must be very focussed.
@Davina – you felt correctly – I was feeling I hadn’t done enough. I’m glad you found it a powerful passage – I do! (and thanks to YOU for the earlier comment)
@Lance – thanks Lance!
@Evelyn – glad you liked it! I’ll definitely be over to your blog – I’m planning a blogging fest for today.
Sorry I a bit late at the gate…but the vibration and music of those whose song is pulsing from your site, is a lovely chorus in Vancouver tonight. HUGS and support when all hands are on deck. 🙂
Hi Robin – that was a lovely passage. Sounds like you’re having a stressful time. Hope you get things sorted soom & the phone company pull their finger out.
Cath Lawsons last blog post..Free Gift Ideas That Help You Sell More
Sounds like an interesting book. And I love this passage:
“No longer bound by fake responsibilities born of fear and addiction to past patterns, you will take up the tools of your trade and delight in the creative implementation of God’s will.”
That sounds lovely. I’m trying to get in tune with the rhythms, but it’s tricky sometimes, isn’t it?
Glad to hear your mum’s phone is back on. Bloody Telstra!
Kelly 🙂
@Harmony – hugs to you too – glad you are enjoying the symphony!
@Cath – glad you liked it. Things should improve now – thanks
@Kelly – “Bloody Telstra” indeed – only an Australian could truly appreciate those words. I’m glad you liked the quote, too. c u
Sorry I missed your Mother Theresa vs insect-lover discussion at the time, but better late than never! I think love ely’s comment on the previous post summed it up nicely – as indeed do Davina and ‘Raphael’ above. The discussion is a fascinating one, and most of all because it illustrates beautifully the futility of making such judgments – at least from outside appearances. If the insect lover and the Mother Theresa type are both enjoying what they do, then everything is perfect. All comparisons of ‘worth’ are meaningless. Some might say that the engine of a car is more important than one of its wheels, but both have their roles to fulfill and you won’t get far if either one isn’t in its proper place.
great thought from Davina. sometimes blogging should and does take a back seat to the more important things.
hope things work themselves out for you and your mom quickly and in the meantime, enjoy the disconnect. i need to do that soon. 🙂
Naturals last blog post..Do Excuses Negate Responsibility?
@Simon – hi there Simon – good to see you again – glad you enjoyed the discussion, and that’s a good analogy about the car (especially as I’m about to set off on a drive).
@Natural – thanks Natural – I thought the problems were over, but it turns out they aren’t, just yet.
* * *
I’m off to the country now for a couple of days – with no internet. Mum’s phone is back on, which is a very good thing, but unfortunately I have found out this morning that the ADSL connection is broken. So silence from me in the blogosphere, I’m afraid. Grrr…
I’ve always wondered why my intuitive husband dances, sings, laughs, lives, and hums to a different drummer! He hears the music without consciously knowing of its existence. I will have to read that passage to him. Thanks.
SpaceAgeSages last blog post..Criticism’s dark and light sides
Even if you think you have “nothing” to say, your “nothing” is more interesting and thoughtful than many people’s “something.” Focus on the things you need to in your personal liife. Somehow, I think that your readers will wait. I know I will!
Hi Robin – that was a great discussion you got started. Hope your mother’s phone issues get resolved soon!
Al at 7Ps last blog post..Guest Post at Write to Done
After the love song to planet earth, then our turn to spread the love.
love elys last blog post..Cause and effect – an musing
“Bound by fake responsibilities”. That’s so true. A lot of the stuff we force ourselves to do because of “duty” are just ridiculous rules we’ve imposed upon ourselves.
Marelisas last blog post..Three Awesome Productivity Tips
@SpaceAgeSage – hiya – thanks to you too – it’s great being around intuitive people, isn’t it.
@Rita – thanks Rita! You are always so encouraging – I really appreciate it.
@Al – thanks Al – all better now – the DSL is even back on up there.
@love ely – yes – I think we naturally want to spread the love we feel, when we are happy.
@Marelisa – yes I think this is an interesting area – perhaps some of our “duties” are actually things we want to do e.g. looking after dependents etc., and the others we sometimes need to brave enough to not do.