and the sequel…

The cast of comical characters above are mostly the visitors who have left the most comments on this blog (calculated with the help of a plugin). Thanks to EVERYONE who has left a comment… to me it’s what makes my blogging life worthwhile.
They are, in order of appearance…
Vered from MomGrind
Peter from The Change Blog (thanks for your inspiration!)
Darren from ProBlogger (I’d be NOWHERE without you!)
Chris from Wat da Wat?
Barbara from Blogging Without A Blog
The Papier Mache Blogger, who hasn’t got a blog yet, but has starred in one.
Natural from Thinking Out Loud
Evelyn from Attraction Mind Map
Urban Panther from Urban Panther’s Lair
Urbane Lion from Urbane Lion’s Den
Al from 7P Productions
Marelisa from Abundance Blog With Marelisa-Online
Shilpan from Success Soul
Ricardo (Ribeezie) from Ribeezie
Davina from Loving Pulse
Lance from The Jungle of Life
Harmony from Golden Zen
Bill from BlogRivet.com
Tom from Delightful Work
Simon from The Secret of Life
Ray (rainer) from The Esoteric Journey
…and if you want to know where the yummy-looking jelly comes from, click here.
While on the subject of blogging, I experienced a blogger’s worst nightmare a few days ago… I DESTROYED MY BLOG! Poof! – all gone… except for some jumbled remnants (I wish I’d taken a screen shot).
I had updated WordPress from 2.5.1 to 2.6, and it worked, but I decided I didn’t like it because two of my plugins that I had just spent ages setting up didn’t work – so I thought I’d revert to 2.5.1 – Big Mistake. I was using a fancy gizmo that comes with my hosting to do all this.
I emailed my hosting company Little Oak—my message actually included the words “please help me – I’m desperate”. I got a reply 20 minutes later saying “Would you like to revert to 2 hours ago or 14 hours ago?” I wrote: “2 hours please”, and about a minute later my blog was BACK. PHEW!
I am very pleased with Little Oak—I think I’d describe this as good service. (The gizmo I used actually did warn pointedly that reverting was not a good idea.)
Also… I’ve written up a new page How to subscribe by RSS, and put a link to it in the sidebar (in case anyone’s interested in such things).
Cheers – Robin
Oh, sweet Robin! I am speechless.
And I am SO GLAD you were able to restore your blog. Your hosting company did come through – wow.
Vereds last blog post..So, Another Guest Post
Robin –
This is absolutely hilarious. I’m wondering about your creative genes. How did you develop the art work? It looks fabulous. You are awesome. I really like the new approach you have taken to give us a link love. Thank you.
Shilpan | successsoul.coms last blog post..Forrest Gump: How to Build Your Self-Confidence
Robin, this was creative and brilliant! I literally laughed out loud.
The smile left my face briefly when I read about your blog going poof. The smile came back when I read about the happy ending 🙂 .
Al at 7Ps last blog post..Do You Know What You Don’t Know?
I have the biggest smile on my face just now! I don’t know what to say… This is just amazing…it’s, it’s awesome! I don’t know how you did it but I like it 😛 I love it!
I would have been sad with you had your blog disappeared but it seems your message was heard with open arms and they fixed it right away; thank goodness for that! Anyway, glad you’re here and thanks for making this fun!
Your friend,
Ricardo Bueno
Ribeezies last blog post..Quote of the Day: Keep it simple…
Hi Robin,
You are a creative genius. This is the best use of avatars I’ve ever seen. I’m still laughing at your cartoons and how you’ve created such a wonderful “story”.
Thank goodness you didn’t lose your blog. It had to be near heart breaking when you thought you did. That’s all the more reason to “mind you plugins”. TeeHee 🙂
P.S. Thank you for including me as part of your story.
Barbara Swaffords last blog post..Interview With Lorelle VanFossen – Part 7 – From Blogging to Publishing
Thanks guys – to state the obvious – this post would not have happened without you!
@Vered – and thanks to YOU for your blog …and for providing my story! (hugs to you too!)
@Shilpan – Thankyou! – I’m glad you like it! (artwork explanation below)
@Al – Thanks! I can assure you my heart was fluttering for a while there – and not in a good way (though I thought they did back-ups)
@Ribeezie – now you know why I was asking you about your photo! Thanks for your appreciation!
@Barbara – thanks! Do you reckon you could do a post about back-ups soon? – I PROMISE I’ll be reading it very carefully!
BTW – I did the comic with Comic Life (there are versions for both Mac and Windows). I use it to make birthday cards, when I’ve got pictures of the person.
I just woke up and I don’t know why but I felt like reading blogs before getting ready for work (this is what I get from being a junkie)…I head over Marelisa’s blog and got inspired. Then next I came to you and WHAM! I’m ROFL.
Awesome! Why can’t I do stuff like this…Genius, simply genius!
chriss last blog post..Trust
Thank you SO MUCH for the comic series. As a relative newcomer to the scene, you have given me SUCH a good picture (literally!) of the people whose blogs I’ve been reading, and many who have commented on mine! If a picture’s worth a thousand words (with “bubbles” added), then your comic rendering is worth a year’s worh of trying to catch up on who people are – and keeping their VERY unique identities foremost in my mind now!
Also, I’m glad you got your blog back!
That was absolutely hilarious! What an awesome idea, expertly executed!
My WordPress upgrade went without a hitch, but that is a good reminder for all of us to back up our database routinely. As long as we have the database, then all the software can be replaced/reinstalled — even if one day WordPress ceases to exist. (Unthinkable, isn’t it?)
Ari Koinumas last blog post..To My Fellow Self Improvement/Personal Development Bloggers
Oh my Robin…what a great piece of artwork! I’m honored to be included. It must have taken you an awful lot of time. Well…it just shows how creative and talented you are!
Robin –
Awesome! And funny! And creative!
What a great (and fun) way to recognize your regular commenters! And, thank you for including me, it is an honor.
Here’s to the ‘toons!!
Lances last blog post..Life’s A Beach
This is so creative Robin! I love it! And I’m glad your plea of “please help me . .. I’m desperate” got a prompt response.
Marelisas last blog post..Create a Personal Manifesto: Your Self-Portrait
Wow, Robin, that is so cool. Funny and upbeat. A true original.
I had a similar scare upgrading to 2.6. My dog was distracting me and I thought I had erased the wrong folder. It took a while to set things right. 3am is not a good time for a blogging emergency.
Bill K.s last blog post..How to make functional maps using Google Earth
@Chris – glad I could be of service on a Monday morning! (I had to google ROFL – at Frank’s suggestion) I wish I could do the things YOU do! – e.g. that maths angles piece you wrote was fantastic.
@Rita – they are a bunch of colourful characters, aren’t they! – and thanks about the blog coming back.
@Ari – thanks! They said later they could have re-installed the scripts – but as I had asked them to fix it as quickly as possible, and as my mess-up had actually got quite complicated, they reverted to a backup.
@Evelyn – and thanks to you for being part of the story! (it did take me quite a while)
@Lance – Well thankyou! Glad your family could provide me with part of the story!
@Marelisa – thanks – and I can’t believe I wrote that! And thanks for being part of my blogging life!
@Bill – Bill to the rescue! With pizza! What more can I say! (my scare happened about 2.30 am Chicago time, which is where my servers are – but they were on to it)
Robin: You have ‘no idea’ how bad the suspense was killing me :-p J/k… But really, I appreciate what you did in taking the time to put this together. We all do!
Ribeezies last blog post..You Don’t Need ALL the Tools, Just the Right One(s)
Hi Robin.
This is terrific! I was laughing with delight. You must have spent a lot of time on this. I’m happy to be a part of your story and even happier that you got your blog back. You must have been beside yourself. I’m subscribed.
Davinas last blog post..Look Ma, I Can Fly!
This is brilliant!!! I devoured comic books growing up, and now I’m in one! This is one of the best day of my life *grin*
Urban Panthers last blog post..Yep, tastes good
Your comic is hilarious! And I’m happy you got your blog back.
Bamboo Forests last blog post..What’s The True Value of Blog Comments?
This is so clever, Robin. So much more interesting than just saying thank you and listing names. And as for the disappearing blog drama, my stomach sunk just reading it. This is why I’m scared to upgrade my wordpress. Glad your host company was so on the ball though – that’s really excellent service.
@Ribeezie – I knew you would be in suspenders.
@Davina – I’m glad you liked it! – and thanks.
@Urban Panther – thankyou! I don’t know what to say!
@Bamboo Forest – hi there and thanks!
@Kelly – thankyou! The upgrade was actually fine until I reverted (or tried to), just 2 plugins didn’t work – next time I try it I’ll check out the compatibility of those plugins first. Cheers!
Dear robin, wow you are very creative. What a funny idea and thank you for the links to a lot of wonderful blogs.
I am happy too, that your blog wasn’t destroyed. You have written a lot of valuable posts, that should live on…
OMG! I’m a cartoon character! My dream has come true. I can now do silly things without fear of reprisal. Really happy your misadventure had a happy ending. It’s like spending hours building a sand castle and seeing it washed away as your putting up the flag!
Urbane Lions last blog post..The undisciplined Lion
oh man how many emotions did i just have while reading this post. the comic strip is the cutest and BEST thing i’ve seen. i absolutely love it robin.
glad they were able to get your blog back…that had me shaking. yes, most if not all hosting companies do back up your stuff but i keep my own back ups as well and if i get really crazy about it, i email myself my back up to my free email account just in case my computer decides to blow up, i can go anywhere.
i’m not on 2.6 yet, but i will and i’ll be making backups and praying the whole entire time. it’s months or years of work, blood, sweat and tears.
I’m still laughing. You are one cool gal. This is the best example of gratitude in action that I’ve seen. Bravo!
I really like your mind and I’m glad you stopped by to look at my blog. When I saw your posts and saw how short a time you’ve been doing this I was blown away! I wish I could make my site as functional as yours. Alas, not my strength… I do like to blog my mind though. Would you condsider offering me some exposure?
@rainer – thanks – I really appreciate it!
@Urbane Lion – I’m glad silly things are now on the menu – thanks about the catastrophe that wasn’t.
@Natural – glad you like it! Thanks! I’m wondering how you email a backup – interesting?
@Tom – Thanks Tom!
@Jeff – Hi and welcome – and thanks. To get blogging tips you might like to check out Blogging Without a Blog. Cheers!
That was the coolest thing I’ve seen on the web all week and I’m on the Internet a lot.
Karl Staib – Your Work Happiness Matterss last blog post..Why Every Company Should Appoint a Work Happy Manager
Hi Robin – Thanks for the link. This is the first post I read since I got back from Mexico and I was in stitches – it’s brilliant.
I’m glad you saved your blog. Your hosting company sound really helpful.
@Karl – wow! That’s some compliment! Thanks and welcome!
@Cath – hi Cath – I knew you were away and was hoping you would see this when you got back!
HOLY MOLY…I was on holidays and missed my one great opportunity for a cartoon debut! Cudos…great idea for fun break.
Harmonys last blog post..The Eclipse
Hi Robin – Have just seen this. Thanks for including me in your cartoon strip – a lovely idea! (My alter ego is actually my friend’s parrot Rainbow and his favorite flavor pizza is brazil nut please.)
I’m glad you got your blog back. I started saving all my posts into a Word file ‘just in case’ but I got bored after a few months’ worth. Maybe I should get back to it…