I thought I’d write about my thoughts on reincarnation.
I never use the word “believe” when I talk about these sorts of things. I like to say “I work with the idea”, or “I think in terms of”… something like that. I think the real, actual truth is something beyond what most of us are capable of understanding at our present level of consciousness, so saying I believe in any particular thing would seem a bit silly to me.
So I like to say I work with the idea of reincarnation, because I find it is a useful concept. If a better concept comes along, I will drop it in a flash in favour of the new concept.
Just as one example of how the concept could become outmoded… many of us like to try to live in the present moment, after being inspired by The Power of Now and lots of other writings on the subject. I like the idea, that I picked up somewhere, that time actually does not exist—time is an illusion that got invented to teach us to use the present moment better. If this is the case, the past does not exist… all the past and our past lives must be happening consecutively right now in the eternal present moment. We are both ourselves and Cleopatra at the same time! This reasoning could get very messy very quickly so I’ll stop right here… my point is that we just don’t know (in my opinion).
The cycle
In my view (for now), when someone dies, their soul/spirit/identity leaves their body and moves on to a different plane of existence (people have words worked out for these sorts of things—sorry but I forget them). While there, the person has a rest.
Many people are under the impression that the state after life is full of magical wonders. I have read that this is true, but that we can only be aware of things that reflect our current level of consciousness while on this plane of existence, the same as happens in life. This is explained in the book Autobiography of a Yogi and elsewhere.
If this is the case, we are blind to the wondrous colours illuminating existence there, unless we have the eyes to see them, the same as we might be totally unmoved by a beautiful sunset here on Earth if we are feeling depressed. We also cannot feel “God’s love” while in this state any more than we can feel it while we are alive. Our state of consciousness will be exactly the same in this place as it was while we were in a body, according to my reading. Our higher self can see further, the same as it does while we are alive in a body.
A paradox
I think the paradox is that we can’t experience the wonders of these other planes of existence unless we love life in a body so much that we don’t want to leave, and we are capable of choosing whether we do. When we have reached this point, we can visit other realms if we want, and we can also come back when we want.
Being with God
I do not think we “go to be with God” or “go home” when we die, because we are already with God (or whatever we may call the universal creative energy) all the time anyway. We can’t escape being with God! Whether we are alive or dead. I don’t think “God is watching us, from a distance”, as sung by Bette Midler… I think God is the creative force that animates us. God does not watch me when I go to the toilet, God is inside me experiencing it too.
If we cannot feel at one with God (or the universal creative energy), and it’s an issue to us, we need to work on raising our consciousness, right here and now. Dying won’t do it for us.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that we can’t escape from ourselves.
I like the way Ruby Nelson’s The Door of Everything talks about God being with us (it’s a channelled book, authored by God/our guiding voice):
The truth is that I am always with you, no matter where you are, for in me you live and move and have your being.
If you would become conscious of my presence, look squarely in my face; stretch your mind and heart and take a long, thorough, independent look. I will be everywhere staring boldly back at you. If you look at the sky you will know that I am blue, if you look at the night you will know that I am black, if you look at a leaf you will know that I am green. If you look at the midday sun I will dazzle you with my brightness. If you look into the eyes of your husband or wife, you will see me twinkle.
Anyway, to continue with the cycle…
After some time, the person feels they want to continue with their progress. They know that being alive in a human body is the best way of doing it, because while in a body they can see the results of their thinking played out in their health, relationships and life. So they get the urge to incarnate again.
Their higher self looks out for the life situation that will teach them exactly what they need to know. They choose the parents, siblings, country, time, economy and whatever else that will give them the experiences they need to grow. When they spot their parents having sex, WHEEE… in they go! (I put this last sentence in for light entertainment).
In their new life, the emotional climate of the previous life is recreated, so that the journey continues on. A person who needs to learn to stop being a victim might be born into a situation where they are victimised, for example. A person who knows they are loved will probably continue to feel loved. A person who is not very independent might be thrust into situations where they get to learn to be independent.
Choosing physical immortality
I really do think we can choose to live on and not die. We can choose to believe it’s possible to do so, and see what happens next.
Many people talk about how we create our lives with our thoughts and emotions—this is either true or it isn’t. It can’t be half true, like we can’t be half pregnant. If it’s true, then we cause aging, illness, accidents and dying with our thoughts, and we can avoid them by working with our thoughts (and the emotions that hold them in place).
Because I see life in terms of the cycle I outlined in the section above, I think that death itself is not something to be afraid of—we just go on anyway.
But I think death is a huge and unnecessary waste that achieves nothing. The journey is the same whether we go through the death part of the cycle or not, and we don’t need to begin new lives to get ourselves into the situations we need for growth—our higher selves do that for us continually anyway. As I mentioned once before on this blog, I think of life as being like going on a bus journey… why would you get off at the bus stop and wait for the next bus, only to continue on the same journey?
The problem with death is the lead-up to it. It affects people psychologically for their whole life if they believe they are going to grow old and die one day (even if they don’t think about it consciously). This causes aging and illness.
Support from God
Some people think aging and illness are God’s way of teaching us things. Their “God” is perhaps an entity that they feel is outside of themselves doing things to them, which might be why they probably also think they go to be with God when they die—a thought that would never occur to them if they really felt they were with God now, while alive, I’d suggest.
I think the God, or universal, energy is a loving one, and it wants the best for us. It supports us by making our thoughts come true. Another way of saying this is that we have creative freedom. If we want aging, illness and death, that’s what we get. If we want everlasting life, joy and fulfillment, it’s ours.
From my perspective, it’s up to us to choose.
I’ll finish with another quote from The Door of Everything:
It is true that life is everlasting regardless of how many times the body dies. It is true that the soul lives on and creates a new body for itself. But it is also true that the soul is endowed with wisdom, it knows death of the body is out of harmony with my universal law of Life.
This is why death has such a morbid connotation to my earthbound children. Your soul knows it is the way of earth-believers. It yearns to be exalted by the vibration of the Ascension Attitudes so it can travel the way of saints. In order to travel this high way, it needs a body which overcomes the destructive earth vibrations and is transmuted into Light.
Death is the way of separation, it is not the way of Oneness. Although death may, on rare occasions, be painless and easy for its victims, it is never painless and easy for the loved ones left behind. This is because I created all my children to be together in love, together in Spirit, not separated by unknown universal vastness. Though you were able to roam the cosmos when you knew it as the Garden of Eden, you were also able to be bodily in the presence of a loved one, whenever your heart desired, with the speed of thought. Death is contrary to this perfect law of non-separation which all exercised most freely before the foundations of the earth were ever laid.
Death not only leaves you physically out of touch, it leaves you mentally out of touch. It is most assuredly the sorrowful road of separation. And I would never have penalized any of my beloved children by setting them on this road of pain. Death came into existence along with all the unhappy experiences, as a result of your misthinking.
I have some earlier posts that cover this area. They are Is Death Natural? and Living Forever. Comments on all of this are most welcome!
I think that the idea that ‘with our thoughts we make the world’ is half true.
The half being that our thoughts can lead us to shape a substance – say clay or paint – in a particular way. But the medium has its limitations as well as its possibilities. You can’t make a useful pot out of paint nor a painting out of clay. So I think it is half true.
The truth of it is: what we do makes a difference. This doesn’t mean that we can do anything.
This is the way I see it. Hope this makes sense (I’m not asking you to agree).
Evans last blog post..Health is About Choice and Relationships
Hi Robin – I love this post. We have very similar thoughts on this subject. I am convinced that time doesn’t exist – at least not in the way that we think it does.
Now – that is interesting – the fact that you think we may have created death through our own unhappiness. It’s something I’d never really thought about. But, I’m wondering how we’d be able to incarnate into new situations, if there was no death?
I haven’t thought about this subject in a long long time. My fear of death is selfish… I want to continue to be w/ my loved ones in this so called physical world. I’ll miss them if they could leave (although I know they will always be in my heart). I also want to physically be in this world so my children can be raised and loved by me for as long as humanly possible. I don’t lose sleep over these thoughts and I don’t think these thoughts bring on illness…but my eyes do tear up if I think of my young children having to grow up without me.
Stacey / CreateaBalances last blog post..Why Read My Words
I believe that when there’s smoke, there’s a fire.
I therefore believe the existence of God, whether in our minds or in any other form.
I also believe that somehow we are incarnated in one way shape or form. This doesn’t necessarily go against my Christian beliefs because Jesus himself was in a sense re-incarnated in a form a being that has eternal life.
Very interesting points you’ve brought up. I believe that we evolve into a different state of consciousness upon death. We have not really “died” in a sense. Reincarnation is really a complex topic, one which is difficult to find all the words to articulate my thoughts. I’m glad that you shared yours as it helps me think over mine.
Thanks for sharing,
Evelyn Lims last blog post..10 Insights Into The Power Of Thoughts
I agree that we are one with God and that God wants only the best for us. For me that’s enough right now. I’m happy to know that it’s all good. I do think that I chose this life and if not for the experience and the accompanying lessons, for what did I choose it?
Tom Volkar / Delightful Works last blog post..The Prize is in the Pursuit
Robin, my dear, we are so different!
This was a fascinating read. But I still believe that all living things must die… and that death is the end of everything.
Vereds last blog post..Top 10 Fashion Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs
Hi Robin – you always give us some very thought-provoking article, and this one is certainly one of the deepest. I really like how you describe that God isn’t far away, but actually much closer than we tend to think.
I think that with our limited senses and experience, it’s impossible to truly understand God, but I do believe that we are meant to live in the here and now and not worry about the (possibly?) imminent death.
Al at 7Ps last blog post..The Hero with a Thousand Jobs
I agree with most of what you have written here. In Conversations With God Book 3, Neale Donald Walsch explains that after we die, we continue to create our reality the same as when we’re alive, except that when we’re dead, it all happens instantaneously. And as you say, we carry our mindset with us. Unfortunately, this means that we can go to hell, even though hell doesn’t really exist. If we *think* we will go to hell, that’s where we’ll go: in somewhere that *seems* like hell. The good news is that we only need to think about a higher thought, and we’ll be gone from there. If we imagine the love of God, that’s what we’ll experience.
This all rings true to me. As you say about your own ideas, I don’t *believe* it, but it seems to make sense.
Where we disagree is that you seem to imply (perfectly reasonably!) that such things as death and disease are ‘bad’. My own feeling is that there is no such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Everything simply ‘is’ and all is perfect. If we wanted things to be swell all the time, we’d never have incarnated in the first place. We are here in life to *experience*, and that means knowing shadows as well as light. Yet we can see those shadows a whole different way from how they normally appear. As you say, “we are blind to the wondrous colours illuminating existence… unless we have the eyes to see them.”
Robin: I think that we do reincarnate many different times and for many different reasons: because of karma we build up during a certain lifetime, to have experiences our soul would like to go through, to help others (learn compassion, patience, love), and so on. I’ve actually toyed with the idea of having a regression to learn about my past lives. Have you had a regression?
Marelisas last blog post..Making Time to Create
Robin – I believe that life exists after death. I believe in reincarnation not because I’m a Hindu but years ago when I was a teenager, I went through an amazing experience. One of my closest friends talked about where he lived in the past life and vividly depicted his life and relatives. We all joked about him for a while but one day we decided to go and verify the information. As it turned out, he was telling us truth. We were spellbound. Buddha said that our soul goes into ‘Yoni’ (universe) after death. Our soul has a frequency similar to radio frequency. A mother’s womb acts as a receiver to attract a soul matching similar frequency. It’s an amazing theory.
Shilpan | successsoul.coms last blog post..Mark Twain’s Thoughts on 3 Topics You’d Rather Not Discuss
Wow, you are making me think, because I normally don’t think about such things. I guess I’m too busy living. I certainly have my pesonal thoughts on a universal creative energy, and while there has to be some guiding force (I can’t believe for a second that we randomly developed from a pile of goo), I too believe the we are an integral part of the force. Do we die eventually? So far all evidence says yes, unless there is an ancient being out there who is not speaking up. Do we reincarnate, disperse into a million molecules to become part of the collective consciousness, or sit at the throne of God? Who knows? And while intellectually it makes for a fascinating philosophical discussion, it doesn’t seem to be part of my day to day concerns. All I know is, I got up this morning with a wonderful partner, we had espresso, missed each other during the day, and we thrilled to get back together at the end of the day. And today I loved and laughed with co-workers, friends and family. And this is what gives me a sense of immortality.
BTW, I am very impressed with your admission that if some new idea comes along that makes more sense to you, you are heading down that road to explore. When we become entrenched in dogma, that’s when I truly believe we cease to live.
Urban Panthers last blog post..The evolution of dance
@Evan – Hi there and thanks for your contribution! I like the way you use clay and paint in your analogy – we might just have to disagree about the thoughts thing though!
@Cath – Hi and thanks – time is interesting, isn’t it. On new experiences, the thinking is that we constantly gravitate to situations of growth in life anyway (hopefully with some rests here and there) – we don’t need to be reborn to do that.
@Stacey – Hi there – I don’t think it’s selfish to want to stay with loved ones! I really don’t think we are meant to ever be separated against our will – as described in the quote I put in.
@Chris – Hi Chris! I like your smoke and fire reasoning. In my opinion the Christian story of Christ’s resurrection is there to teach us we can choose to not die. I believe there are Christian churches that see it this way – I don’t know where they are or what they are called.
@Evelyn – Hi there and thanks – using words for these sorts of concepts just doesn’t quite work, does it! The world of reasoning has it’s limitations, I think.
@Tom – hiya – I think you have hit the nail on the head when you say “For me that’s enough right now” – being aware in the present moment is really what matters.
@Vered – we might not actually be as different as it may appear. In real life outside my computer I don’t actually talk about this stuff, or think about it alot. I investigated it all back in the 80s, because I wanted to make sense of things. I do use these ideas now, but more as a context for goings on, or for making sense of some thing that has cropped up – it just isn’t high on the agenda.
@Al – Hi there and thanks for that – like Tom above, I think you are also doing some head of nail hitting… when you say “we are meant to live in the here and now” and not worry.
@Simon – Hi there – good to see you. I think that accepting illness and difficulties is a good place to start in dealing with them, but we also yearn to be all that we can be, so have an innate desire to heal ourselves. There would come a point where accepting life’s shadows is counter to this, I think.
@Marelisa – Hi there – interesting – no, I haven’t had a past life regression. I’ve heard of people who have… actually, my earlier adult life almost seems like a past life to me – it seems so strange and different to how it is now!
@Shilpan – Hi there – good to see you again. That IS an amazing story!
@Urban Panther – Hiya – I don’t think thinking about this sort of thing is necessarily where it’s at (unless someone is going through a phase of needing to get more understanding so they can move forward) – and I think being focussed on day-to-day life and the people we share it with IS . I wrote this post because of some things I was seeing out there in that there blogosphere.
You had me at hello. I enjoyed every word of this post; we share similar ideas. I don’t believe God is up there watching us or punishing us when the need arises. I punish myself quite nicely thank you 🙂 I do believe the spirit lives on and chooses to reincarnate. But what I don’t get is that they say when you die the spirit of your loved ones meet you “in the light”. But what if they’ve reincarnated already? I dunno, maybe we do live on alternate planes of existance simultaneously. Ok, now my head hurts!
@Urban Panther. It sounds like you are living in heaven already 🙂
Davinas last blog post..I Dreamt I Died
Hi again Robin – I couldn’t resist coming back. I’ve read plenty about reincarnation. But your ideas are definitely unique. And I’ve been pondering your idea of living for hundreds of years. It is a new idea to me and it really stretches the mind.
@ Vered – Some people I know have the same view as you. Their daughter died only a few weeks after her second child was born. And while none of us know for sure what happens when you die – I sometimes wish they believed there was an alternative. I think they would find it easier to cope with her death.
@ Mare – I haven’t had a regression but I do have a little book on past life regressions. I’ve only tried it once, with vaguely interesting results.
@ Shilpan – that is amazing. How did he know so much about his past life to begin with? Was he regressed or did it come to him in another way?
Hi Robin,
I love this quote, “If you look into the eyes of your husband or wife, you will see me twinkle.”. I believe God is within us, and I see Him in all that surrounds me. For me, that’s a comforting thought.
Robin, I find this a very personal subject. Personal in that what “really” happens affects each one of us. This is the ultimate change we will have in our lives. I believe there is a God, and He loves me. I also believe there is life after death, eternal life. But where that life is, I do not fathom to know. I take comfort in my beliefs that the God of Love and Wisdom will be with me always. The rest falls on faith.
This is a brave subject to discuss, thank you for starting the discussion here.
A very poetic and loving blog entry. You can see how much thought you’ve put behind God and the afterlife. I believe as you do that God is with us and in everything. It’s our life force. The deeper connection that we find with this energy the happier we become.
Karl – Work Happiness Matterss last blog post..Never Stop Expanding Your Network
@Davina – I like to think so! *smile*
Urban Panthers last blog post..Cry me a river
@Davina – ha ha – thinking too much doesn’t really do it, does it! Our “reasoning” is so limited.
@Cath – you are welcome back any time! I like your “vaguely interesting results”.
@Barbara – I’m so glad you mentioned that bit of the quote – I LOVE that sentence.
@Lance – I think you have put this in a lovely way – thankyou.
@Karl – Hi and thanks – I really like the way you have put those thoughts.
@Urban Panther – what a heavenly lair/den you have
Coming in again last….I feel like the tired Olympic runner. 🙂
You know, it doesn’t really matter what I think. What is simply is.
One idea I do like to explore, :-). is the mirror of the human body to the universe, from DNA to organ shapes. The universe expands and contracts. Could that be a different view of what we call death?
Harmonys last blog post..Silver Medal – Golden Effort
Hey, in another blog I enjoy MAGIC & MOMENTS AT DRAGONFLY COTTAGE, the writer quotes:
“Every exit is an entrance somewhere else.”
Harmonys last blog post..Silver Medal – Golden Effort
This post was fascinating, although I don’t usually spend much time pondering such big spiritual questions. Not because I’m not interested but because I have a belief system that works for me, I suppose. Like Urban Panther I tend to be more focused on living and my views on life, God, death and reincarnation are just kind of there.
I am very comfortable with the concept of faith – I don’t need proof or things to fit together neatly. I believe we can create our life, but I also believe fate steps in and offers up new experiences to allow us to grow spiritually. I believe I will die from this body and reincarnate into a new experience which offers my soul a new level of spiritual learning. I believe if you commit suicide you will have to go back and relive the same experieneces until you learn the lesson. You can’t ‘cheat’ life if you like.
Is it possible these views will change? Yes. I am always open to new ideas and I see myself as learning all the time, but I have to admit I do tend to be more focused in my spiritual growth THIS lifetime. Plus, my beliefs have helped me deal with the painful deaths of my stepbrother and friends, so really I’m less inclined to change them.
I have family members who are atheists and think I’m delusional and other friends who want to debate the subject with me. I just don’t see the need. Whatever works for me isn’t anyone else’s concern and vice versa. I like to share ideas like this, but not argue about such things because I don’t believe we all have to see God the same way. My husband wonders why I pray because he says God is in us. I agree but see prayer as asking for guidance from the infinite knowledge of the universe. To me praying doesn’t mean God is separate.
I did hear an interesting idea once. A friend’s uncle told me that he believed you experience whatever you expect to when you die. At least initially. This man had died of a heart attack but was brought back to life after a couple of minutes. He had served time in prison for robbery and assault and felt he deserved to “go to hell” for how badly he had treated people in his 40+ years. When he died he felt like he was burning up and being sucked into an inferno. When they brought him back he felt they nabbed him from the clutches of hell.
He has since discovered religion so I assumed this experience made him believe in heaven and hell. He said that it did at first, but after he spoke to other people with near death experiences he found their stories were all different except for the fact that they got what they expected. Fascinating huh?
Amazing post, though Robin. Thank you for sharing.
Kelly@SHE-POWERs last blog post..The Smiling Dog in the Mirror
Hi Robin!
I find your blog very interesting – a really rare perspective for the blogging world. I myself am a Catholic, so I have difficulty with some of your ideas, but I think we all hope that somehow there is something beyond this existence and that we WILL have the opportunity in the next life (whatever you may believe that is) to be with the ones we love. There is certainly room for all theories, I believe that death is NOT the end. It is what makes dying bearable, or even welcome for me.
This was an interesting post Robin. I love reading your thoughts and prospective on life. I’m not a believer in reincarnation and don’t believe a soul exists separate from the body, but the body IS the soul. My reasoning comes from the bible, not to turn this into a religious discussion…but (here’s the but…hhhehehe) when God created Adam the bible says he became a living soul, not that he was given a soul…too no other person who died in the bible and was resurrected spoke of an afterlife. Just my thoughts, thaks for sharing your views.
Naturals last blog post..Is Your Subscriber Count Showing?
@Harmony times 2 – you must be due for a gold medal by now!
The Starseed Transmissions has interesting perspectives on both the universe expanding and contracting, and organ shapes (I’ll mysteriously leave it at that!)
@Kelly – like you, I am just not interested in debating these things – why bother! I’d rather just talk about something else. That’s interesting about the guy who went to “hell”, and his investigations. Thanks for such a great comment!
@Poetikat – Hi and welcome! I certainly think there is room for all theories – and I think it’s important to not let concepts become more important than people. Thanks for your comment!
@Natural – I think that’s a great way of looking at it. I personally see the body as the expression of the soul in the physical dimension (I’m making up words here, so I mean something like that). I don’t think that’s really much different from saying the body IS the soul, or that Adam became a living soul.
I loved this post. Though I’m with Vered, I do believe that all living things must die, I love the idea of reincarnation (so does my wife, she thinks I am an old soul). The afterlife is a heavy theme in my novel, and when it’s finished in like eight or nine years, I think there’s at least one section that might blow your mind.
Writer Dads last blog post..But Daddy
Dear robin, i like especially ‘Dying won’t do it for us. ‘. I try to find out whether your theory is true, but up to now, I found no evidence in observing the question in meditation, that a person known to me and dead has reincarnated, so that I could feel his presence again. I never felt the presence of people gone again. This proves nothing only that I am not sure about such a concept.
Thank you for this inspiring post. All the best.
rainers last blog post..Luiza tagged me
@Writer Dad – Hi there W.D. – What! Eight or nine years! We don’t have to wait that long, do we?! I’m up for a bit of mind blowing.
@rainer – hi there Ray – I haven’t felt that either. I’m glad you liked my post. Cheers!
Hi Robin, I enjoyed reading your post and the comments, but I had my usual reaction, which is, what’s the point of debating opinions/beliefs when there’s no way to find out the facts?
New Age spirituality is intriguing, but it’s so very similar to Christian Science, which in my opinion is so very wrong. Sometimes I feel like debates about God and the afterlife are like debates about my having an imaginary friend. We can all believe whatever we want, because it isn’t real anyway. Or at least, no one can show that it is.
More importantly, why can’t we know what’s going on while we’re still alive? Why do we have to be kept in the dark like this? Unless there is nothing. It sure would help to know if there is an afterlife.
Personally, if I had to choose, I’d choose to believe in reincarnation. I like it here, although it has its down side. 🙂
Hi Dot – thanks for your comment! I might point out that this post isn’t meant to be a debate, but rather, some ideas that some people might find useful… during life! Cheers!
To resist saying “I beleive” in something suggests you doubt yourself. The more you develop faith and trust in your own sense of reality, the more your reality evolves to reflect this. Certain perceptions will seem like heresay unless you delve deep within yourself to find evidence of your beliefs. Every human being ahs reasons for self-doubt. To hesistae rather than be direct is a sign to look deeper into why a subject evokes discomfort on some level. Nothing actually evokes anything but love, joy and self-acceptance unless you choose to convince yourself otherwise. You do so with a purpose you may yet to realize at conscious levels in this life.
Liara Coverts last blog post..How to access your deepest inspiration?
Hi there Liara – I think perhaps that you didn’t understand what I was getting at.
My faith and trust in my own sense of reality is fine.
i think the way you think..is like a crazy person. Of course were gonna be with God when we die. And when we die we cannot become immortal and no way can we become immortal.
Hi there Jane – as I said in the post, I think we are with God at all times, whether we are alive or dead. If you don’t think we have a choice about whether we live or die that’s fine with me!
Hi Robin,
I’m very impressed with your impartial, open, and honest attitude. So many people get stuck in certain beliefs, whether that belief is religious or “science”. I’d say the same you said, “If a better concept comes along, I will drop it in a flash in favour of the new concept.” And I did recently when I observed and wrote about Ascension soul shift . . . in my case, this resulted in my departure from my teacher, which came with a bit of sad feeling, but I still think this is the attitude to go.
And I’m also impressed how accurate your understanding of the afterlife and God are.
Ascension is sometimes referred to as the process of dying while we are alive on Earth. As you wrote, we don’t need to die to be refreshed. And we are wrapping up this “learning by contrast” school system.
I look forward to reading more of your articles ^_^
Akemi – Akashic Record Readers last blog post..How To Find Your Life Purpose Through Your Life Challenges
In Hindu Religion Reincarnation is an accepted fact and all the 10 avatars (aka incarnation or manifestation) of Lord vishnu depicts the concept of reincarnation as well as darwin evolution.
1.Machcha (Fish – water life)
2.Koorma (Tortoise – amphibeans)
3.Varaha (Pig – Land dwelling))
4.Narasimha (Half human half lion )
5.Vamana or dwarf
6.Parasurama (Angry human)
7.Rama (Matured man)
8.Krishna (Man with Mystical powers)
9.Buddha or Balarama (Enlightened one)
10. Kalki (yet to come apocalyptic avatar)
Another Tamil Spritual Literature Thiruvasagam says
pullaagi poondaagi puzuvaagi maramaagi
palavurvumaagi paravaiyaai paambaagi
kallaai manitharaai peyaay kanangalaai
sellaa nindra ith thavara sangamaththul
ellaa pirappum piranthu ilaiththene
which means I am tired of all these births starting
from gross, plants, worms, trees and innumerous forms
birds snakes stones human form ghost form angel form
will continue
concept of time –
Another story from Hindu literature Garuda purana in which Sage Naradha who always chant the name of Lord vishnu asks the lord on oneday Please explain me the concept of Vishnu Maya or the illusion of time. At this point Lord vishnu asks the sage to bring him a pot of water from the nearby river. Sage Naradha goes to the river and saw a very beautiful girl and forget the purpose for which he came to river and fell in love with her. Then he get married begets children and become grand parent. One day flood washes away the entire village. Heartful of sorrow Sage Naradha who escaped the flood weeps on the shore of the river and Lord vishnu come nearby and asks I have asked you for a pot of water and waited for few minutes but you didnt come. why are you weeping. That moment Sage naradha realised the illusion of time and fell to the feed of lord vishnu saying enough is enoguh on maya.
Hi Robin, well I wandered over here after reading your current post, since I had mentioned reincarnation in that, and then saw a link to your post on reincarnation also. I could probably ramble much too long on this topic, so I’ll just focus on one thing: You mention death being a waste, but to me it seems to tie perfectly into the goal mentioned by Spalding, our perpetual growth. Nothing grows without cycles and change, we all get so limited by our current time and place. So the idea of reincarnation would seem the perfect system for perpetual growth, because we end up experiencing different genders, cultures, relationships etc., Of course are conscious mind doesn’t retain the memories, but the idea is that at some level we do, in the form of karmas.
I’m not trying to make a case for reincarnation here, I actually like your statement about ‘working with ideas’ instead of holding beliefs, and that is more how I think too (even though I used the word ‘belief’ in my last comment…) I just think that from a purely growth perspective, reincarnation would seem to be the perfect system. Of course that’s only if you ‘work with’ the view that it’s only our body and current psyche that dies, and that there is much more to us besides that.
Lisa (mommymystic)s last blog post..2nd Chakra Series – Motherhood and Creating
@Akemi – that’s interesting that you are developing your work as we speak! We could also say ascension is dying to our old concepts of ourselves?
@Subramanian – thanks Subramanian – I think we are indeed tired of all these births – thanks for the stories!
@Lisa – hi there Lisa – I don’t think that being born into a new body brings new experiences (new clothes) – we just continue where we left off. It’s life that sends us in new directions and growth (or it would, if we stopped killing ourselves off) – we have all found that! I believe (heheh) that overcoming death is part of becoming self-realised – my inderstanding is that no-one has broken the cycle of life and death by going through involuntary death. This comment is not the place to really explain the physical immortality outlook – the books I list on my Resources page explain it. Thanks for dropping in!