Recently Marelisa from Abundance Blog at Marelisa-Online wrote a great article about gratitude over at The Change Blog.
This gave me the idea of looking up The Door of Everything by Ruby Nelson, because I remembered it had something about gratitude. The Door of Everything is a channelled book, authored by “the guiding voice of Father consciousness at the centre of your soul”.
The chapter The Ascension Attitudes explains that love, praise and gratitude are the “keys to the kingdom of true Being”. It says these three attitudes are in fact inseparable, and suggests we could concentrate on all three or just one if we find it more natural. I found this about gratitude:
The vibration of gratitude is such a mighty creative force that it alone, if indulged continuously, could uplift you free of the sub-creation more rapidly than you realize.
I thought I’d try focusing on feeling grateful as much as possible—firstly for all the usual suspects like the house, Frank and my computer. Then I added in things like the ground I was walking on, the air I was breathing and the blue sky. All of this definitely inspired a warm glow, and I felt I was on target for being seriously uplifted.
I went on reading the book, and while I was reading the chapter The Mighty Rock I had one of those ah-hah moments you have when something sinks into some different notch in your brain from before… even though I had read this book many times over the years, and what I was reading was something I already knew.
The ah-hah moment came from reading about how to perform miracles… which I thought could come in quite handy. I was reading:
You always demonstrate on the level your consciousness abides. It is not necessary, as a result, for you to learn the secret of how to demonstrate, how to bring the invisible into form, because you have been doing this all your life. The power of mind cannot do otherwise than demonstrate in accordance with the way in which it is used.
Therefore you do not need to exercise faith in your ability to perform miracles, for if you will only exercise enough faith to lift your consciousness to a higher level, the miracles will take care of themselves. They will happen not as a result of human thinking, but as a spontaneous result of Christlike being. You could not stop the miracles any easier than you could stop your life.
So there you have it: we can raise our level of consciousness with love, praise and gratitude, and miracles will happen automatically! This is a different approach to other techniques of manifestation such as creative visualization and affirmations, though these work in basically the same way, I’d imagine.
A couple of nights later my accelerated uplifting all went seriously pear-shaped when a project Frank and I have going on out in the world looked like it would possibly fall over, and we also had some depressing news about a friend. The next day, as we drove to my mother’s place two hours away to stay the night at her place, I was feeling flat, depressed and glow-less. I tried to feel grateful for something, but it didn’t work. I decided it was best to let it be… forcing feelings does not achieve anything.
That night Frank got a call on his mobile that let us know our project was safe. The way it happened was quite astonishing and dare I say miraculous. And as we arrived home the next day he got another call letting us know the friend would be okay.
Modern miracles
We have been manifesting all along, as our level of consciousness allows. Some of the ordinary things we do now would seem like miracles to some people—even putting a meal on the table as easily as many of us do would seem like a miracle to quite a lot of people from both today’s world and the past.
So if we want bigger and better miracles, we need only raise our vibration (perhaps with love, praise and gratitude) and they’ll happen. I’m looking forward to testing this out further, after a promising start!
photo by AlphaTangoBravo / Adam Baker
Hi Robin: Thank you for the link. I completely agree that gratitude–as well as love and praise–raise our vibration. Also, the higher we vibrate the easier it is to perform “miracles”. I think that when we focus on positive feelings we become more connected to the source, the universe, or whatever you want to call it, while when we are feeling negative emotions–such as fear, anxiety, frustration, and so on–the connection lessens. I’m glad your project and your friend are doing well!
Marelisas last blog post..How to Become a Renaissance Man/Woman
I agree that a positive outlook has the power to change one’s life. I don’t necessarily believe in manifestation or in miracles, but being positive and grateful are very important to me.
vereds last blog post..Will You Still Love Me When I’m Sixty Four?
The Urbane Lion never goes to sleep at night without telling me about something I did that he is grateful for. It is absolutely incredible and, needless to say, I get a really good night’s sleep.
Miraculous development? Similar to yours. Long term relationship (second one!) broke down and for the first time in my life I took time to myself. Three months into Me Time I started dating, but after 4 months of that got dreary of it. One morning I woke up and said to myself “Self, I love being single. I don’t need to date. I don’t need a man in my life.” Two weeks later, I met the Lion. We are for each other the final puzzle piece that makes us complete. And for that, I am eternally grateful.
@Marelisa – and thanks to you for inspiring my post!
@Vered – thanks for your comment as usual!
@Urban Panther – great to hear about your relationship – it’s amazing how it can work out. (I use that “self” manner of speech too! I just haven’t used it on the blog – yet.)
Hi Robin:
I loved your post. Thanks for putting into words what I needed to read today. Since losing my husband in January every day is a new life for me. I look for opportunities everywhere and miracles do happen. Thanks Helen
Helens last blog post..Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
I honestly think that being with my wife is a miracle. She always says that she’s my muse and she is right. All the things that I want to accomplish in life, my personal goals and not family goals, are being realized because of my association with my wife and children.
I have a big family, sometimes money is tight and sometimes problems arise but when it comes down to it, being with them is a daily miracle.
I can honestly say that I am happy.
Hi Robin. Great post! I have witnessed the power of positive thinking… and action… in my life, in many ways. I just wrote about this in my last post funnily enough.
Recently, I heard Wayne Dyer talk about how 2 people exchanging compliments or doing a good deed for the other, increases both their “vibrations”/well-being. In addition to this, any people witnessing this also share these feelings of well-being.
@Helen – thanks Helen for that… it means a lot to me. All the best with everything.
@Chris – Fantastic – so many people focus on the things they can’t do because they have children, rather than seeing how having a family is good for them (that’s my experience, anyway – maybe it’s just what they say to me!)
@Davina – Thankyou! And thanks for adding your thoughts – I noticed your last post was Magic Happens!
Love, praise, and gratitude are SO important – this is great stuff! I need to consciously work on being better about this. Thanks for putting together this wonderful post.
Hi Robin,
I try to faithfully write in my gratitude journal. The more I do, the more I find to be grateful for. It’s not the material things that I list, but the little miracles that surround me every day. It’s the blue of the sky and the green of the grass, the love of my husband and the creativity I find when I least expect it.
Singing praises is important for those miraculous moments. For me it’s to God. For others it’s their choice.
We should never forget we’re surrounded with blessings. We just have to open our eyes and acknowledge them.
BTW: Thank you so much for adding my blog to your Blogroll. I am humbled and honored. I pray my writings live up to the position.
Barbara Swaffords last blog post..Your Today Is My Tomorrow
Robin –
I like your view that if we want miracles to happen in our life, we need to intensify gratitude and good karma towards others. Nicely said.
Shilpan | successsoul.coms last blog post..7 Habits to Master the Art of Winning against the Odds
@Lance – and thankyou for your kind words!
@Barbara – That’s lovely. And I am honoured that you have visited and left a comment! It’s a pleasure to put your friendly, informative blog in my sidebar.
@Shilpan – great to see you again Shilpan – I’m sure your karma is sky-high!
Hi Robin – I just discovered your blog, and I really like your blog topics and writing style.
I’m still trying to get my head around the concept of physically living forever. Maybe it’ll take time.
Al at 7Ps last blog post..The Hidden Water of Life
Dear robin, thank you for sharing your experiences. I have never heard of ruby nelson, so now I have a new research to do. I think chosing the right inner feelings can have a great effect on the flow of inner energies, that will finally have an impact on our daily life.
rainers last blog post..Turmoil of the heart
@Al – and I’ve just discovered your blog, too. Great to see you here!
@rainer – Hi Ray – great to see you too! It’s a lovely book – it was first published in 1963! I’ve never seen it in a bookshop here, and I thought it was not available, so I was really pleased to discover you can get it from Amazon.
I do reflect almost daily on how grateful I am, I have much more than I need and I offer up my prayers in thanks.
Like you said, it’s hard to force a feeling when it comes to being in a bad situation, but it does help to try to focus on the positive and what you CAN change, maybe that’s where the raised consciousness comes in…when you let the problem work itself out and only do what you can. Worrying does nothing but make you sick….worrying doesn’t change a thing.
Naturals last blog post..High Priced Domain