It’s not Friday the 13th today, but it was the other day.
Our plumbing got blocked and we had a crowd coming over on Saturday the 14th.
We rent our house, so should have been able to ask the estate agent to get it fixed, but we knew from experience that it wasn’t going to happen in time. So we called a plumber ourselves, and $332 later he announced forlornly that he could not fix it—the blockage was terminal and the pipe would need to be dug up and replaced.
By evening Frank and I were exhausted. We were standing there collapsed in each other’s arms, barely able to move. The plumber did get things flowing enough for us to feel our plans would not be threatened, but we had been doing all that cleaning you put off till the last minute, and combined with the stress of the plumbing dilemmas (and extra not-so-pleasant cleaning), we wanted to fall into bed early.
But we had to go out because Frank had a sound mixing gig he couldn’t get out of. And it was FANTASTIC!
There were three acts, and they were all boys still at school. Kids that age aren’t allowed in pubs without their parents, so the place was full of both teenagers and their parents. The quality of talent was amazing. First up was a singer-songwriter, followed by two bands.
Saturday the 14th
Our party went off great, and the plumbing held out (and is still OK). It was based around a fire in the backyard—we put carpet on the grass and chairs out. We love having a fire in June when it is freezing cold. At this time of year the weather is usually cold and clear—the rain doesn’t really set in till July. We have a great fire dish and a friend supplies us with hardwood that doesn’t smoke. The fire is really hot, and no-one seems to want to go inside. Here’s a photo:
About half the people there were musicians. There were some guitars and other instruments seeing some action around the fire, and the piano inside got a workout. It was different, because at our other fires we just had iTunes playing most of the time. This time they kept wanting it turned off so they could play!
One really exciting thing for us was getting hold of a CD Frank recently recorded. It’s the second CD he has done where the artist went off and got it duplicated to sell it. The artist’s name is Sanna Lund, and she dropped into the party for a while to give us a copy. She is a traveller from Sweden who came into our lives via the open mic night Frank and I run on Tuesdays. She is a wonderful singer-songwriter with a fantastic voice.
As I write this she has not had a chance to upload the new songs to her MySpace—she has just left yesterday in a combi van for the warmer climes of northern Australia, as Swedish travellers are inclined to do at this time of year. When she does upload them, I’ll put one of them on the music player on our website. Here’s a photo of the CD being proudly held by Frank:
Sunday the 15th
The last people left at about 6.30 am—Mike was too sloshed to ride his bicycle so he fell into our spare bed. I guess we must have put the carpet and chairs away and cleaned up the mess, because it’s all gone now—I don’t really remember.
I do remember staggering down the street for pizza like we always do on Sunday nights.
Monday the 16th
Well it’s my birthday today! Fifty-five years old! Oh how we Geminis like to chat about our birthdays. Frank and I are going down the street to the Indian restaurant for tea—at the moment I’m just enjoying writing this and not doing much else. I just want to say thanks to my new blogosphere friends—when I began this blogging adventure 3 months ago I didn’t anticipate the feeling of community that has come with it.
I seemed to have strayed off-topic. I promise I will be back to ernestly discussing physical immortality next post—I know you are hanging out for it. Oh to have a niche with more than one person in it. (And I must say I REALLY appreciate everyone who has taken the time to leave comments.)
Cheers – Robin
Chris says
Glad the plumbing was fixed and that the party went well. And Happy Birthday!!!!! Looking forward to many more as we embark on our blogging journey together!
Chriss last blog post..Difference Between School and Work
Vered says
Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great party.
“when I began this blogging adventure 3 months ago I didn’t anticipate the feeling of community that has come with it.” Me too. What a wonderful bonus, isn’t it?
Vereds last blog post..Best Shot Monday: Would You Put THIS In Your Front Yard?
Mark says
Happy birthday! I hope it was a celebration of love and life. Thanks for sharing your wonderful party with us.
Marks last blog post..Relationship Reality Shows – Tune Out
Barbara Swafford says
Happy Birthday Robin,
Blogging is great, isn’t it? We never know who we will meet, or where they’ll be from. Reading your post reminded me that your seasons are the reverse of ours.
Barbara Swaffords last blog post..Blogs Aren’t Just For Boys Anymore
Robin says
@Chris – Thanks!! – we’re hoping the pipes hold out for a while – we are putting it in the “too hard basket” for the moment.
@Vered – Thanks and yes – it’s a great bonus.
@Mark – thanks – it’s lovely to hear from you again.
@Barbara – thanks – yep – it’s well and truly winter here.
Helen says
Hi Robin:
Happy Birthday! I am finding that everything always works out for the best. Loved reading about your few days and great times. Helen
Helens last blog post..Finding Support
Marelisa says
Happy belated birthday, Robin! That party around the fire with everyone playing instruments sounds great. Good luck with your plumbing.
Marelisas last blog post..50 Ways to Celebrate Life Every Day
Shilpan| says
Happy birthday! You’re a beautiful person with a great soul. It’s been my pleasure to know you. You’re correct about the community on-line. It’s amazing experience for me for last 4 months as well. Cheers!
Shilpan|successsoul.coms last blog post..How to Rejuvenate a Relationship
Robin says
@Helen – Thanks! – and that’s what I kept telling myself – as the plumber looked more and more worried!
@Marelisa – thanks for your good wishes – we made need it!
@Shilpan – thanks – and it has been a pleasure to know you too!