Today I’m very pleased to bring you an article by internet marketer Kathy Dobson. I was most excited when I stumbled across it on an articles site about a week ago—as it happens, only hours after she uploaded it. More about Kathy at the end of the post!
When most people entertain the thought of Immortality, they automatically think of Immortality of the soul after the death of the body. But, what about the body? Why do they automatically assume that the body is to be thrown away as though it has a limited purpose? Isn’t it highly possible that the body was created for a much higher purpose?
For those of you who are able to get past the teachings you were raised from birth with…such as the statement that “everyone dies”…for those of you who are able to open their mind to “all possibility” I challenge you with the thought that your body does not have to die. Are you brave enough to entertain such a brave thought? A thought that goes against everything you’ve been taught since birth?
Can you stand alone, steadfast and brave in your belief when the all the world tells you the opposite? For those that can the rewards are great.
Life is evolution. Evolution has been going on since forever and will continue to advance into Eternity. As long as there is movement there will be evolution. Evolution is change, change is movement as the Universe moves forward in it’s unending spiral through Eternity. It will change, but it will not die.
Everything evolves…man, earth, sun, planets, galaxies, and Universes are always evolving forward to new and greater heights. It can be no other way, for life is movement.
Your body must change in order to evolve into the next realm…it is an ongoing process that will never end. But, here’s the key, that change must be pushed into being while here on the earth…consciously with all the will of your mind and heart. That change must happen with you in charge…while alive on earth. Because earth is the plane of physical evolution and no one can evolve for you…you must achieve this great and glorious feat yourself.
There is a door, one that will exalt you to the highest heaven…the seventh heaven. Reserved for those who overcome…reserved for those with a body of Light.
In order to access this door we must become Master of our environment. We must become Master of our thoughts, words, actions and deeds. We must be the orchestrator of our life and desires…in total control.
For those hungry for more, there is more! Go within and ask. “Seek and you shall find.” “Ask and it shall be given.” “Knock and the door shall open.” It must start within your own heart. You must have reached the point in your evolution that nothing from without is fulfilling you anymore. You must desire with all your heart to “know God” not just “know about God.” And then you must ask.
If you are having a hard time grasping the idea that your body does not have to die I offer this:
Do you really think people will be dying 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000 years into the future with the strides that science continually makes? You know in your heart that someday science will figure it out.
Why wait for science to figure it out when you have all the tools you need available to you right now? Why not join the thousands of spiritual pioneers piecing this veil that has held us captive for so long?
Your body was created for a purpose, but that purpose was not death. Your present body was created through years of evolution and it is still evolving. Why would you believe for a second that it stops here? Evolution does not stop. As you practice being in command of your faculties through the thoughts, words, deeds and actions of your body, you slowly but surely change the atomic structure of your body.
Walter Russell once stated that the atom was “light curled in on itself”. You are made of Light, the first substance created. But, this light has been clouded over with every fearful, discordant thought we have had through all our lifetimes, making this light ever so dim. Sort of like light trying to pierce though a dirty filter.
The earth has always been the stage for the evolution of the body and it still is. Once you remove all the veils dimming that ever lasting, living light within, that light will burst forth in blazing Glory and every cell within your body will beam forth the fullness of the Light within and you will become a being of Light as Jesus did on the Mount of Transfiguration.
Satprem so aptly named his book, ‘The Mind of The Cell…or Willed Mutation of Our Species’.
Will your Immortality into existence by your burning desire to consciously evolve your body into the fullness of it’s purpose…a being of Light, our next step on this glorious evolutionary road. Glorify God by achieving this great and Glorious body of Light. This is why you were created, this is why you have a body, this is your mission on earth.
“All things are possible to those who believe.” It must start in your heart. Turn within for direction from your God. He is waiting patiently for your attention, when you’ve exhausted your outside chase.
Why or how can anyone believe that the body evolved through all these eons of years on earth only to be eliminated now? It simply does not make sense.
Open your heart…and your mind to the greater glories which are your inheritance.
With our new glorified bodies we shall continue to consciously evolve these bodies as we spiral on to greater heights, worlds without end.
Kathy Dobson is a longtime student and teacher of Higher Wisdom. She is passionate about showing others the potential they have within. Her recent passions include Internet Marketing with an emphasis on Membership sites as a vehicle for creating financial freedom.
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Dedicated to Freedom
Please check back often as there will soon be a site totally dedicated to Spiritual Wisdom.
Since I discovered this article, Kathy (on the right) and I have been exchanging emails at a rapid rate… because… she is planning to start a physical immortality blog soon! I am SO PLEASED!
We would both love to hear your response to her thoughts—comments are very welcome!
Kathy – what a gem! Thanks Robin for bringing it to us here! Can’t wait for your website Kathy!
infinite blessings Janni
.-= Janni Lloyd´s last blog ..Physical Immortality – the mass possibility Dr Janni Lloyd =-.
Wonderful article, thanks for sharing. I have been working through some of my thoughts on physical immortality since first encountering Robin’s blog. I am familiar with the idea of light bodies from Tibetan Buddhism and Hindu books like Autobiography of a Yogi. I guess I just never thought of light bodies in terms of physical immortality – I thought of it more as a variation on the immortality of the soul. The way it is written in this article, it almost sounds like there is no division between the two ideas, just a difference in how one might get there. In the traditional ‘immortality of the soul’ view, our physical body has to die in order for us to experience out totality, our ‘light body’. And as you describe immortality here, it does involve a transformation process, not exactly death, but still a death of what we currently are in some form. So I guess I am not so sure the two are that far apart?
.-= Lisa (Mommy Mystic)´s last blog ..Fingerprints of God: The Search for the Science of Spirituality =-.
Gee, I could use this article just as is on my site about Ascension and lightbody. Very well said.
.-= Akemi – Yes to Me´s last blog ..Our Addiction To Judgments And Problems =-.
Janni, Lisa and Akemi,
First I want to thank Robin for posting the article. I have been on this awakened journey for over 30 years now and to have found Robin, her blog and her readers has been the highlight of my life the last couple of weeks.
Just the simple fact that Immortalists all over the world are waking up and finding one another should be proof enough of it’s reality.
Of course I also believe that when it is your time, something…a teacher, book, friend…stranger (the Universe has everything at its disposal) will touch you from without and light that fire within with explosive awareness. Suddenly you find your consciousness on a different level. Til then, understanding is limited…but, you are exactly where you need. Everything is always exactly as it needs to be.
I could go on and on…just suffice it to say that it is my honor to be here. As Robin said, I will be launching in the next week or so. My first post will probably be about my “awakening”…which actually happened and was very powerful. Please stay tuned.
What a great company of enlightened friends!
.-= Kathy Dobson´s last blog ..Tweet Dynamite…Grab it at a Discount =-.
Well, Robin, you’ve done it again! Thanks for sharing Kathy’s article — I’m very much a believer in all things are possible, and Kathy’s words “Just the simple fact that Immortalists all over the world are waking up and finding one another should be proof enough of it’s reality” vibrates down to the core of my being.
Seems to me that the blogosphere has made this “global gathering” incredibly accessible– so I thank EVERYONE who is in the gathering!
I too look forward to Kathy’s new website — to learn more, to connect more with the immortalist community, and to have my previous limiting beliefs challenged to the utmost!
.-= Jeanne´s last blog ..How Come Some Dreams Don’t Come True? =-.
@Janni – hi there Janni – it is a gem isn’t it!
@Lisa – hi Lisa – perhaps we could say there needs to be a “death” of the ego – that being the part of us that listens to our “good ideas” rather than our intuitive inspiration (and the part of us that wants us to die). Thanks for your thoughtful comment!
@Akemi – ha ha – why not, Akemi? Thanks 🙂
@Kathy – well thanks to YOU for putting yourself out there! Looking forward to your blog, Kathy!
@Jeanne – I’m so glad you resonate with this material – and I agree – the blogosphere (and everyone in it) is an incredible contribution to the global gathering.
Hi Robin. I’m all for thinking outside of the box! Just now imagining a time when our bodies do not die and our souls entertain themselves by trading each other’s bodies every so often.
.-= Davina´s last blog ..The Key To Vacation Thyme =-.
Hi Davina – I think that’s the best laugh I’ve had all day! (tho I’ve actually only been up an hour). Good one! I smell a science fiction story coming on?
Hi Robin and Kathy – I am still fascinated by this topic, even though I’ve been reading this blog for a while. I’m open to any possibility but I’m sitting here feeling completely knackered and wondering what I can do to make my body fit to survive.
LMAO at what Davina said about trading our bodies for a laugh and thinking about the endless possibilities for keeping ourselves entertained.
Hi Cath,
Be prepared to be fascinated by this topic for a lot longer! I’ve been researching and living it for 17 yrs and it only gets more fascinating.
blessings Janni
.-= Janni Lloyd´s last blog ..Physical Immortality – the mass possibility Dr Janni Lloyd =-.
I don’t often make comments on Robins blog, as you all might have noticed, I don’t know why, maybe it’s because I live with her.
And her energy is with me all the time, and so empowering.
I feel this amazing vitality, and commitment to her beliefs which I also share in my heart and soul.
Putting these thoughts into words fails me, I’m not the best not wordsmith.
Words limit our thoughts, thoughts, have no limits, Imagination is everything.
Believe and it shall be so.
Hi Frank,
Nice to meet you! It is a wonderful thing that you and Robin are able to share your hearts and souls and the deepest level…your beliefs.
I agree Robin has great energy and passion and it comes through in her writing.
You’re so right about imagination, it reigns supreme…couple that with action (on this plane) and you’re in business.
Namaste my friend,
.-= Kathy Dobson´s last blog ..Crazy Cash Membership Sites =-.
This is very interesting to me, and I’ve heard it said that our bodies are capable of so much more than we give them credit for. Someone said that there are people living somewhere in the world (masters of some sort) who get their energy from the sun rather than food. Whether or not that’s true, the idea captivates me.
I’ll be interested in learning more and appreciate your post on this!
.-= Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last blog ..Runners, Bloggers and the Power of Applause =-.
I’m intrigued by the idea of continuing evolution. Great article!
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..Stuart’s A Little Too Much =-.
Cath, Megan and Mama Zen…
The only prerequisite to your “knowing” is your own hunger and thirst “to know”….
Welcome to “all possibility” How does it feel to be free!
.-= Kathy Dobson´s last blog ..Crazy Cash Membership Sites =-.
@Cath – glad you had a laugh at Davina’s comment. Be easy on yourself, Cath! I really think it’s a matter of dealing with today, and trust that tomorrow will work itself out.
@Janni – life gets more fascinating, doesn’t it.
@Frank – Hi Sweetie – here I go again writing to you from here at Mum’s. Don’t know about my vitality right at the moment – I’m not feeling too flash!
@Kathy – you make me blush
@Megan – Hi there again Megan. I’m glad you find this material interesting – I guess you could say that we are looking at getting into a state now, that we have traditionally vaguely thought we might be able to get into in the distant future.
@Mama Zen – I like the evolution angle, too.
@Kathy – yes – it is all about total freedom, isn’t it? Freedom to love and create.
You are right that our bodies have a purpose. Actually, despite the fact that our bodies will wither, whether we like it or not, it is still part of the whole. We are part of a whole. Whatever that whole is we cannot decipher in this life because we are encapsulated in a limited form.
Our bodies are the chamber of our soul, but our bodies are meant to die. And with that we are also transformed. 🙂
.-= Walter´s last blog ..How to unleash your true capacity =-.
This is so exciting, Robin that you’ve found another kindred spirit in this wonderful blogosphere!
As to Seventh Heaven, I had always thought that was some arbitrary metaphor, but now my eyes are opened to the deeper meaning, as my eyes usually are over here at Immortality Town.
So sweet to hear Frank vouching for your life commitment to what you blog’s all about, he is a better wordsmith than he lets on.
@ Davina: I’ll trade with J Lo! 🙂
.-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..It’s All Picnics And Cartwheels Until The Fire Ants Bite =-.
@Walter – hi there Walter – thanks for your input into the conversation! The idea over here on this blog is that we don’t have to die if we don’t want to – not necessarily by controlling things, but more by surrendering to our life force and by letting go of our fears.
@Jannie – ha ha – I was thinking maybe Beyonce myself? (she’s visiting Melbourne at the moment). Tonight while I am tapping away at my mother’s place in the country, Frank is mixing for a well-known band in Melbourne – oh well. He’s not a half-bad wordsmith. I HOPE your ant bites have lost their sting by now!
Those are your Truths and your world and I would never take that from you!
As for me and my world, Immortality is a reality. It is a “knowing” within and you can’t change a knowing nor can you defend it.
So, as I always say:
“….to thine own self be true.”
Kathy 😉
.-= Kathy Dobson´s last blog ..Crazy Cash Membership Sites =-.
Thanks for this Robin. This piece brought me back to a question I could always stand to think about more: what am “I”? I say “my body” glibly as if I understand the nature of the thing to which the body belongs, but I don’t. Some teachers say that what we really are can’t be understood by the mind, which may be a reason why I tend to go blank when I think about it.
The concept of physical immortality is very interesting and something that I have not pondered that much. I do feel that we are all here for a reason and if we do not discover that reason during this life then we will need to return until we figure it out. This post was mind-opening, to say the least…
.-= Mike Foster´s last blog ..Break a Sweat Every Day =-.
Hi Mike,
Your words “This post was mind-opening, to say the least…” caught my attention.
An open mind is a beautiful thing! Without it, there is no growth…no evolution…
Keep reaching…higher and higher and higher…keep pushing humanity onto greater….and still greater heights of imagined possibilities.
Remember, it is ongoing, Eternal and Infinite.
Let your imagination soar to the greatest heights you can imagine…WITHOUT BOUNDARIES…and, then KNOW just by virtue of the fact that you can “think” these things…you can also ACHIEVE these things…or else what would be the purpose of being able to ‘imagine’ these things in the first place? Just a game by the Gods to tease us? I don’t think so.
Wouldn’t it be a terrible prank by the Gods if they gave us an imagination that was contained and the visions it created had to stay in the mind, so that we were constantly being tortured by our visions…ones that wanted to create but we were not allowed to have? What a ridiculous waste that would be.
I think we need give the Gods a bit more credit for their creation of the imagination.
Your imagination was created so that you can CREATE! And, what do you CREATE? Anything your imagination can dream of!
So, soar high…and soar free…and, don’t ever let anyone close your mind to “all possibility.”
The only limits you have are those you place on yourself.
Namaste my friend,
.-= Kathy Dobson´s last blog ..Crazy Cash Membership Sites =-.
our bodies were created with a purpose, as mentioned and not made to die. agreed. i do believe that the body is the soul though, it’s not separate from the body – based on the bible, it says man became a living soul – not given one.
dying was never the purpose for us being created. it just doesn’t make sense. even scientists believe that based on how our body renews cells that we should be able to live forever, but they don’t know why we don’t.
interesting read robin, thanks for sharing.
.-= Natural´s last blog ..When Is It (or is it ever) Okay To Lie? =-.
OH and thanks to kathy too. 🙂
.-= Natural´s last blog ..When Is It (or is it ever) Okay To Lie? =-.
@Kathy – I really like the way you describe “knowing”.
@Chris – To be honest, I feel like you do about us not being able to understand what we really are with our minds – I like to think in terms of the “truth” being beyond what we can understand with our present level of consciousness. I use words like “spirit” and “soul” now and then on this blog as a way of communicating a concept as best I can.
@Mike – I’m glad you liked it Mike! (assuming here that “mind-opening” equates to “like” – heh
@Kathy again – LOVE the way you have talked about imagination here!
@Natural – Hi there Val – glad you are back! I really like your “living soul” – and the united being those words conjure up. I don’t think dying makes sense, either.
Life is the extent of our imagination… Think Big 🙂
.-= Ribbon´s last blog ..Australian blogs… =-.
Hi, have you been to the Immortality Institute yet? If not, come on over, the party is lit up and this monumental movement is on its way to the world stage. Besides Immortality Institute, there are many others of us in this network. Everybody, come find out all about it today. We need your support like there is no tomorrow~@!
I love the ideas. I just wanted to share some information on physical immortality. Often when people describe immortality they describe the nature of God/Soul which is infinite, timeless, from beginning to end.
Physical Immortality creating a deathless body has to be done three main ways.
1. Through kaya kalpa (alchemical mixtures).
2. Soruba Samadhi
3. Graces of GOD.
Through a teacher who specializes in Yoga and deeper hidden Kriyas (mastery of the breathe) you can learn to master Soruba Samadhi which is a name for mastery of the light body.
@Ribbon – yes! Well put!
@brokenportal – it is a monumentel movement, indeed. Thank for the invite!
@Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn – hi there Andrew and welcome to this blog! I love what you have said here – thank you. Your blog and website are very interesting!
Do you actually say that it is possible not to die? Keeping the connection of body and mind? Or do you mean that it is the body that instead of dying and ending finding another form – but without our mind in it? Its always easy speaking from a healthy perspective and from the position of having life at hand isn`t it? Lets put it that way – I gladly follow you in another 500 years and then I am ready taking advise on immortality 😉
Hi there Tobi-Phuket Meditation and welcome to this blog. Yes – the idea of the physical immortality view is that dying physically is a choice, and that choosing not to die is a healthy choice – physically, emotionally and spiritually. If you are interested to learn more about this concept, I invite you to look around this blog and to look at the Links and Resources pages. It’s interesting that you pick 500 years – at what number would the idea be proved to you? Someone could be 500 years old and still die the next day! Cheers.
Hi Robin,
I listened to an interesting interview on physical immortality with Ben Abba – – originally recorded 23rd Nov 2009 .
He talks of awakening to the understanding that ‘physical death is a choice’ and the unlimitedness that accompanies that. He mentions reprogramming our subconscious and reduced calorie food intake.
He has contributed to a book with Wayne Dyer. He also feels that he knows of 25 people over the age of 150. He has written a book of a series of interviews with a man who says he is 2800 –
“Secrets of an Immortal – An Eyewitness Account of 2,800 Years of History” .
In the interview , Ben sounds very grounded.
Blessings Janni Ps Ben’s blog – pps The interview is with Liara Covert – she loses the phone
connection with Ben for about 7 mins or so, soon after the start – make sure you keep listening ,I feel it’s worth it.
.-= Janni Lloyd´s last blog ..Physical Immortality – the mass possibility Dr Janni Lloyd =-.
Immortality is real, death have been abolished by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of the only true God. I believe in immortality of the body and declare that death is dead forever. please send more of this kind of article to my box thanks Robin and Katty
It’s so wonderful to find you all. I think I’ve always been physically immortal, and a few years ago my immortal fire was ignited when I met Jim, Bernie, Chuck and everyone connected with People Unlimited. It’s an ongoing, never ending unfolding and expansion, and I love it! Thank you for all of your expressions!
Hi everyone
I’ve made a cd about physical imortality. I’ve called it….. Be Young. To just explain quickly, the cd is about trying to help you realise that THOUGHT IS CREATIVE. I believe that we program death into our minds by constantly THINKING about death. My cd will help you flood your mind with thoughts about being young. And staying young forever. Everything in this world first existed as a THOUGHT. Send me your name and address. I will send you my cd worldwide. When you listen to my cd and realise this is powerful.Send me any amount of money you wish. If you don’t have much money, just keep the cd free of charge.
There is more to this cd than I have said, much much more.
Thanks for that Dave – I have changed the way your email address is written because spam robots can spam ‘live’ email addresses on websites – I think people can understand it. Cheers – Robin
I also believe we were created not to throw our bodies away but to earnestly reach for that change to complete the desire placed in our hearts for Life. God being Life would never compromise with death. So good to find similar thinking friends.
Such a wonderful fantastic article. I have been sharing this for many years. Look forward to Kathy’s blog. We are living atoms <3
I am 71 years young. It feels good to share physical immortal energy with you all. I realized CHOICE to live or to die in my Mothers womb when she attempted to abort me using a knitting needle. I have been fortunate to relive my womb trauma thanks to the magnificent process of REBIRTHING . I am fully aware of choosing life for myself which rendered my Mothers attempt on taking my life useless I have been a life death choice advocate ever since and sitting here waiting for the rest of the world to WAKE UP and take full responsibility for their choice to live or to die has not been easy because I realise that most people choose to die unconsciously because not many people have gone deep enough with their growth to eliminate their “UNCONSCIOUS DEATH URGE” THAT KILLS EVERY ONE WHO HAS EVER DIED and the sad thing is that it is contagious and has spread throughout the world and like SHEEP they are ALL following each other into the GRAVE